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I'm standing just outside of my home, We are going to get the Nest up and running in a few weeks, My brothers Viking is going to return there and I take a deep breath, I really don't wish to put my brother thru this but I had to really drive home the point that I'm not like him, and I know that he is not going thru the training for the worst part of it, I made my mind about that and I write down the orders for Snowball that is my Brothers code name, I exclude him from the Interrogations training, It's the one thing I don't want him to be trained in.

"Bitch your phone is ringing, It's oversea" Fire fly say and I get up and I walk over to my phone and I connect it to the Video wall, and I turn the Camera on and I frown it's Not Fucker or a Dragon on the line it's one of the SEAL.

"NUMBNUTTS" I scream out and I hear someone come running and Numbnutts is next to me and I sign to him to be my voice.

"Sorry Mother of dragon for calling, but I have just received something that I don't believe is for me" the Young SEAL say he is not one of the Sea dragons that is our brothers, but this is only a SEAL guy, I start to sign and I know that Numbnutts will speak for me.

"No Privet, that is correct you have been recommended by Buzz, and you are still at the station oversea is this a call telling us that you are rejecting the invitation as a Dragon Egg?" Numbnutts say as he is looking at me, as I'm using true ASL, as I signing to Numbnutts that are speaking for me.

"Thought this was a joke" he say and I growl low and I know that many will take it as a joke.

"That means you are rejecting your place to the Dragons and you will not be invited again" Numbnutts say and I hang up and I walk over to the phone and I give it to Numbnutts.

"Call the Sea dragon, call Sarge" I tell him in Dragonish.

"Yes Mama" Numbnutts say and he make the call and I wait him to call me up on the Video chat, I hear it ring and I see Sarge is sitting there and he look at me

"What happen Mama" he ask and I glare at him as I hold up a name.

"What he is still here is he fucking Crazy, Everyone know if you get a fucking invite from Dragons you don't fucking don't show up, You want him to show up?" he ask and I shake my head.

"Mother have asked him if he reject us, and he said he thought it was a joke" Numbnutts say, and I see him look piss off.

"don't worry Mother I make sure he never will be part of our group, He is one of the younger Seal guys here, don't worry" he says and we nod as we hang up the call and I sigh.

"You are working on the orders?" Numbnutts ask and I nod to him.

"Mih kaerb lliw ti taht yrrow m'I, urht og lliw eh tser eht tub, gniniart noitagorretnI eht urht og ot rehtorb ym wolla ot gniog ton m'I" I speak to Numbnutts and he nod to me and he smile.

"yeah, the Interrogation training is the worst part of the Dragon training, Can't believe you made it thru it" Numbnutts say and I see him look at me.

"Yeah" I tell him, and I walk back to the office.

I'm writing down the orders of Snuggle-puff he is not to be Judge as a base Dragon, he is judge as a Field. I write down a few other things included that the SEAL guy will not get another invite, I keep working when I hear a knock on the door and I look up to see Bear there.

"Still working?" he ask and I nod.

"Come on it's dinner" Bear tells me and I slowly get up and I place the orders in envelope and I place them on the table as I walk up to him and he pull me close.

Voice-less, Not UselessWhere stories live. Discover now