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I feel the Hatchlinger that is behind me place something over my eyes and tie it hard and I feel two people lead me, and I don't really like it but after the rappelling tower yesterday, Fuck I don't know if she My sister knew that I was afraid of heights before We got up in the tower but after what happen yesterday they knew, Hatchlinger beat the shit out of me last night for making him rappel so many times, He made sure that I knew that he was piss off he yelled at me in the shower room for what seemed like a Hour, he told me that If I Ever fucking refuse to do what the Dragon or Dragonlingers order me to do something I better do it or Ring the fucking bell, I feel that someone lift me up and I feel cloth, I guessing that we are about to do something and My so-called battle buddy have asked for permission to blind fold me, I hear Sherman yelling and I hear Skyla barking as we are walking against something and I feel someone hanging something on me and feel strange and I don't like this I don't fucking like this at all. I hear Shermans order and I trying to obey him but I feel someone place my hand on the person in-front of me and I feel the heavy hand of my Battle buddy behind me, he have so many times place his hand on my shoulder like this, We are walking slowly and I hear someone walking next to me laughing, and I feel the tarmac change to metal and I don't like it but because I can't see I can't do shit about it. I feel us stop and I feel someone turning us around and then I feel someone push me do so I'm sitting, and I don't sit comfortable, but I try to keep calm as I hear something close and I guessing that we are about to do something that no one like because we were forced to hold a hand on the person in-front of us, I breathing slowly as I try to keep the panic from my mind. I hear the sound of Engine, and it's loud and I feel that we are moving sideways, and I Hear the sound is getting louder and I feel someone pull the blind folder be pulled off my head and I see that we are inside of a Fucking Airplane and I feel my blood almost freeze, as I see that The Dragons are all dressed in Jump suits I have been told about their jumping exercises, and I was hoping that I never got to experience this but here I'm in a airplane, and I feel gear I have on me and I feel like my body is staring to shake as We are climbing higher and higher, and I feel that grip on my shoulder.

"Don't you fucking dare hesitate" Hatchling growl at me.

I see the light go Red and everyone is standing up, I see them looking at me as I don't get up, I see Two Dragons force me to the end of the line and they hook me up.

Oh fucking shit, I feel my body go stiff and I can't fucking move, and I know that I won't make it off this airplane, I should have known that this was coming when they started to teach me how to land but I wasn't take up in the in any tower and I see the Cameras on the chest on three of the Guy and then I see the ass of the airplane open.

"No" I whisper as I see the dragons check each of the dragons check the gear and I feel them tug in my gear and I feel a gently push from behind and I push backwards I don't want to jump, I'm not going over that ramp.

"No" I say and When I feel someone pushing me from behind and that's when I feel over six hands on me and I feel them start pushing and I have nothing to get them to stop.

"NO, NO, NO, NO" I scream as I feel them pushing harder and they are forcing us out of the airplane, the men in-front of me I push too, and I feel them press us out of the airplane I feel my stomach rebel and I start to throw up as they are pushing me harder and harder and Then I'm out of the airplane.

I'm throwing up as I see the see the parashoot, are floating on the air and I see the ground are slowly coming closer and I feel myself keep throwing up and I feel my body shake and I feel so fucking afraid, I can feel myself lose the control of my body as I throwing up, and I guessing that I fucking shit myself, I see the ground coming and I don't remember what them told me but I know that I need to land on my ass is all I thinking, I feel my legs hit the ground and somehow I keep my legs together and I fall to the side and I stay there I'm not moving, I feel my body shake.

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