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I'm not sleeping as we are traveling, and I know that as soon as we are back on State side, I know that Cody will be piss off, but we made the Call that as long as we could talk to Tiny, We would stay put but Since we couldn't get a hold of any Dragon and tells us that something is wrong, My feeling are all over the place and I know that I will only calm down until I see my Sister, I just hope that she is not in hospital, I'm praying that my sister is not having a miscarriage, I'm looking at my brothers as we feel how we are going in for landing. We have been traveling with Military planes. We are ready to get on another plane and when the plane have landed, That's when we realize we are back State side and I see Pussy is grabbing the bags with Asshole and I know I will have to deal with the Officer on the base because we are not on home room rotation, I see the officer check of the each member that get off the plane and I see him look up when I step in-front of him, We have been traveling for Five days and we don't have slept at all.

"Name" He say and I know that we are not on the list because we made sure to be the last off the plane.

"Fucker" I tell him and I see him start to look down on his list even if I know that the List is completed, and That We three are extra.

"You are not on the list" He say and I look at him.

"No shit, We know that we are not on the list" I tell him and I see him look up at us, I see him contact another officer and I see the Truck come and no one of them know who we are, and I know we are going to be in trouble.

"I'm sorry we can't allow you in on base" The Captain say and I look at him.

"Contact Colonel Clarence Clifford, He will Get us Cleared to come in" I tell him and I see him looking at me.

"Can't do that" he say and I feel my anger come back, the anger that I had when I found out that My sister was pregnant and I couldn't do shit to help her.

"Sir, Colonel Clarence Clifford is our Commanding officer" I tell him and I see him looking at me.

"Privet we can't" he say and I'm looking at him, I know that I don't use my rank as I'm still in the Hot nest dressed, but I'm not a fucking privet.

"IT'S MASTER SARGEANT" I roar out and I see everyone stop moving and I see them look at me.

"Last name" he ask and I close my eyes.

"Roman, We are part of the Squad That Colonel Clarence Clifford Created, We use nicknames," I tell him and I see him look at me.

"Well the Only think we can do at this point is to Put you in Quarantine until we can talk to Colonel Clifford" he say and That make me snap.

"You are not putting us in Quarantine" I tell him and I see the MP coming up to us and I see one of the MP Stop walking he have seen what the others haven't seen because they are keep walking.

"You are" he say and I see the Helicopter and I turn to see Pussy, and Asshole nod they are with me and the MP come closer and as they reach for us.

We don't even show what we are going to do but we take out the MP Quickly and I see the men turn to us as they hear the sound of body drop and we are running as quickly as we can against the helicopter and I see the Pilot is getting ready to get out of it but when he see us coming I see him jump in the seat again.

"OUT" Asshole growl and I see him looking at Pilot.

"I'm not losing the Helicopter, I'm not, I take you wherever you want to go" He say as he start up the helicopter.

"You know Dragons?" Pussy ask as he take the seat in the seat next to him.

"Hell yeah, I know about them, I know not to fuck with them" He say as he make the helicopter take off and We see the men on the ground scramble to figure out what happen.

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