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The travel to our Deployment point is really boring, and we are all half hangover still, I see that many off them are Veterans amongst us and we have a few new once during one off layover, the veterans come up to us and they ask where TCB is and When we tell them that she is not coming not this flight at least, then the Question come for the Pray and I tell them to gather all of the Soldier s and We are doing the Pray. That Pray started from Cody, and Papa Dragons, so We are doing this on every Layover, the Plane fills up with Soldiers, all of them Marine's, Army and Airforce personal. The Dragons are sleeping as we are flying the last part of the trip.

"WAKE UP" I hear someone scream and I look up to see one of the Gunny that know us.

"Hey Gunny, Thank you for wake us up" I tell him and I hit Asshole and then Pussy. They wake up and We get off.

"We still in Hut 18?" I ask him as we are walking off the plane.

"Yeah, You have your Hut" he say and we are walking to the cars and we are getting driven to the base and we are checking in the Quarter master and check out the key's for the Hutt that was moved out off the way because no one wanted to be close to us.

We grab our bags and we nod to the Young marine that Tiny help with the shopping and We are walking thru the base and we are carry our bag over our shoulder and as we get to the Hut I unlock it and we step into the Hut that is build to house eighteen people, but Dragon got this on their own space for no one want to live with us, I see Pussy walk over to the lock trunk where we keep the flags, he take out 'Old Glory' and then the Dragon flag and we walk out to the Flag post and we raise the two flags and we are turning our music on and We turn on the out side speaker, We are going to make sure that the Base know that The Dragons are here, We start unpacking the bags, we make sure that we get everything done, Cunt's bed is still here and his bed is striped and I'm looking at Tiny's bed that's closes to the Door as she was our Officer. But in the Dragons Hut's we don't use the Rank, We are cleaning out the hut and we are making the bed just like we are use to. I see Pussy check the mini fridge and the freezer that we had bought to this hut and We place the drinks and snacks in there and we also check so no one have been here to take and the music is blasting Pussy is laying on his bed playing a game on the old tv and the gaming set and I see Asshole take out the laptop Cunt left behind and I know that he is writing the letter to Tiny that we are back home, well What some people calling hell, we call home, That's when I hear the airhorn.

"Did you hear that?" I ask to Asshole that listen too.

"yeah that's Gunny's sound PUSSY Turn the music down" Asshole say and we turn down the music and we hear the airhorn again and we press the button that will light up a flash light next to the airhorn, showing that we allow them to approach the Hut.

"Wonder what Gunny need" Asshole say and We are looking at one and other and Pussy have gone back to play his game.

"Can I come in?" I hear one of the older Gunnery sergeant, that know off us.

"Yeah Come in Gunny" I call out and I see him step in the Hut and I can tell his worried.

"Dragons" he say and he nod around to all of us and I see Pussy pause his game and come up and he looking at Gunny.

"Gunny" We say and He see that we are ready to do whatever he need us to do.

"TCB Is not with you?" he ask and we shake our head.

"she have lost 85% of her hearing, on her right side, so We don't know if she coming back" I tell him and I see him sigh and I know that they rely on Tiny to keep us in line, even if she is as crazy as us.

"Shit, Okay That's fucked up, but I know that TCB would work like hell to make it back here" Gunny say and we nod and I see him looking around.

"Gunny why are you here?" I ask and I don't like the way he's looking around.

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