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I'm so fucking tired that I can barely keep my eyes open, but I love it, this is the life I choose, and when We were given the permission to fuck up the New eggs we trashed their room, Even Snuggle-puff and Vikings bed and lockers but we don't fuck with their uniform like others, and it look's like a tornado came thru here and Cody is telling them the rules and the once making fun of my speech is getting jumped on by others dragons like they where Drill instructor. We are leaving the Bay and we are laughing our ass off and I see the others look at me with a smile.

"That bring back memories." I hear Sherman call out and I don't sit down because I know I will fall asleep.

"So we are going in after Half hour?" I hear Runt call out and I nod.

"They are going to hate us" I hear left eye say and I smirk.

"We are going to make sure that they know where they are" I tell them and I see my brothers nod.

"Ready to cause chaos?" Asswipe ask and we smirk as we are heading back to the barrack.

I'm walking in the front of the group and I peak to thru the window to see the some of the men are working hard to make the room look like it did before we came thru there, and I see some only almost anything, I turn to look at Numbnutts and the others are looking ready and hungry for chaos, and I give them a big a smirk and a nod before I turn around and I kick the barrack door open and it slam open with a bang and I see all of them jump, I see that My brother and Snuggle-puff is still working they didn't really jump, but they are still working on getting their bunk and lockers squared away, I walk into the room and I move my hand to let my dragons run lose, and I'm walking around the room to check what is getting down, I hear my Dragons yelling and scaring the shit out of the Eggs.

"Lose you ears, just keep working" I hear Snuggle-puff whisper to my brothers.

"Are you sure?" I hear Viking whisper and I see them getting their lockers ready.

"Yes, The Three dragons I lived with oversea, said that They live for Chaos" Snuggle-puff whisper and I see them working.

I snap my fingers and Goose, Blue Balls, blind side and Jaws descend on Snuggle-puff and Viking, I hear them start yelling and I hear others yelling and I'm checking the time on my watch and I see that Dragons get the men to work faster and I give up a whistle and The men are on the line Cody and Papa walk into the Barrack again.

"Looks like that cleaned up good" I hear Papa say and I walking around the room checking each of the lockers and I snap my fingers at some of lockers and those lockers are trasher again and this means we trach all lockers again.

"Get your shit together or we are going to do this all night" Cody say and I snap my fingers to allow my brothers to terrorize the new eggs.

Dragon are yelling and screaming at the top of their lungs and I'm walk around glaring at them, it's my way of yelling. This is the life I live for, We are Creating Chaos, and we are throwing their belongs all over the room and We are having competition on who can create the most chaos, and also who could throw the boots the farthest away from the person who the Boots belonged to, My family of dragons and Dragonlingers are making all this in to a living Hell for the eggs, and I smirk when I hear Skip, Buzz and Joe, come in the room and they join in on the Chaos, because they once did this to us many years again, and they taught us to create chaos. Chaos is something that is part of war, If you can't live in Chaos you don't make it thru war, Sure you may make it thru with your old squad, but with Dragons we are insane compare to others, We are Crazy and Psycho. We are proud ow what we have become, We are living for this chaos just like Snuggle-puff said. I don't know how long we but We are throwing stuff around We never lay a hand on the men we are only throwing the stuff all over the room even tip the racks over I can see that some of the men are getting piss off, I waiting for the outburst that would come but they never come and I feel disappointed because there is always one who can't deal with this bullshit that we are doing and we are working hard to make them lose their shit and I'm really surprised that Viking can deal with this, because he is one of the oldest of the men around here, I see him lock his jaw, and I know his angry because he is look's like me, and that's when I hear the bell ring, and everyone become quite and the Dragons turn around and we all looking at the poor soul, that stand under the bell he hanging his head as his hand is still on the rope and it's one of the men that still had his rank on his chest when he came here and I see Cody looking at us and We nod.

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