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I'm working on of those new cute little cars, I would never admit it to the Guys that I think that these small cars are cute, but maybe it has something to do with the Cute Brunette driving this car, I never been one to want to settle down, but after having Tiny living with me made me feel like I have been missing something and I know that those skinny as Women hanging around the club, I see that Bear is talking to Psycho and I guess it's about the Gremlins or Havoc MC if we are to believe Cunt, I know that I trust Tiny, with my life but Cunt no, just no. That man is feels so wrong I don't know if it's because he attacked Bear or that he just so fucking arrogant, when he is around here. I see the Women that own the car I working on, come thru the gate and I know that the Guys like to look at pretty girls and I see that Bear walk over to her and I know that Bear won't trying to talk her into his bed.

"TOOLS" I hear Bear calling and I put down my tools and I walk over to him as I whip my hands on the towel and I see the Woman blush as I'm coming closer.

"What's up brother?" I ask Bear, this is one time I hate my road-name, because it has double meaning, one if just the simple Tools as in a Screwdriver or something similar, or A foolish person, depending how they interpret my nickname.

"Joyce was asking about her car" Bear say as he turn to walk way and I see him give me a wink as he walk away, I know that Bear could have answer the question for me, but I guess that Tiny have a influence on him.

"sorry for taking you from the work" Joyce say and I smile at her.

"Don't worry, I'm almost done with your Car, It's just a few more fixes before I'm done" I tell her and she smile at me

"Thank you so much for doing it so fast" Joyce say and I smile at her word, because the only reason why started working on this car was because of the Text Tiny send to me.

"No problem" I tell her with a smile. I see the Car of Shelby coming into the parking lot.

"Shelby?" I call out and I see her turn to me as Belly is stepping out of the car.

"Yeah?" Shelby ask and I turn to Joyce.

"Will you be a Doll to keep Joyce company will I get her Car ready, it's only a few more minutes" I tell her and she look at Belly.

"Sure I just need to speak to my man, Bethany you mind to keep her company until I come back" Shelby say and I see Bethany take Joyce's and lead her over to one of the tables.

"Don't forget coffee" Bethany call back to Shelby as she walk in to the Club house.

I know that Bethany will not answer me kindly, I have tried to show her that I'm not into her but she still not allow anyone talking to her and I see that Wiz are standing in the doorway looking at Bethany.

"Wiz" I call out and I see him jump, I just fucking love doing that to him, I start to think that the Crazy squad is influencing me, because that is something they would have done.

"Tools stop doing that" Wiz say as he come up to me as I lower the car down.

"Sorry couldn't just help it, Blame Crazy once" I tell him and he look at me.

"I know, is Miss, Dwyer Car ready?" Wiz ask, he have a thing for calling every woman by their last name but Bethany and I see him turn to look at the girls gossip, around a cup of coffee.

"Yeah, Will you drive it out of the bay while I get her sorted out" I tell him and he smile.

"Sure no problem" Wiz say and I give up a whistle and I see Shelby smile at me, and I do a sign that Shelby taught us that it means that the Car is ready, she did this the first time we asked her to keep a women company.

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