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I'm looking at my brother standing with a hammer in his hand and I know that I need to leave the room, because I can't see this. Shovelhead follow me out, and I close the door and I see one of the dragon standing there and I see them looking at me and Shovelhead standing next to me.

"How the fuck didn't we know that he could do something like this" Shovelhead say and I'm look at him.

"I have no idea" I tell him and I feeling sick and I'm looking at Shovelhead and I see that Dragons come closer and I see the two dragons that left the just a few hours ago.

"Hey Tools have Sea Hatchling given up?" they call out and I glare that him.

"No he haven't given up, I couldn't take it anymore" I tell them and they are look at one and other.

"You mean that they have gotten bloody?" they say and I see them take off running and each of the dragon are getting in a room that is close to the room where We came from.

"They are crazy" Shovelhead say and I take a deep breath and I look over to see one of the guys looking at us.

"They all have gone thru this" he say and this man is dress as a instructor.

"All of them?" Shovelhead ask and He nod.

"All of them, and they have done it to each other, They go from calm to bad, from bad to Worst, from worst to terrible, from terrible to hell" He say and I'm looking at them.

"They have done this to Tiny?" I ask and I see him smirk at us.

"Only Dragons are allowed to do this to her, They don't trust Dragonlinger to do this" he say and I'm looking at him.

"How" Shovelhead say and he looking at us.

"It's basically to make sure that they don't break when they get taken by the enemy, the stronger and the worst they are trained the better it is, because They won't break, They know that their brothers are coming and they will bring hell down on anyone who touch them" He say and I'm looking at him as he speak and I can't believe what I'm hearing.

"You are telling me that What we are seeing in there is something they all have done or got done to them?" Shovelhead ask and he nod at us and I see the man that Tiny call Dad come walking and I can tell his looking for someone.

"Where are my dragons?" he ask us and I see the Man point at the room.

"They are only at 5 hours" he say and I shake.

"No we passed 9 hours when we walked out" I tell him and he look at me.

"Did he bleed?" The officer ask and Shovelhead nod.

"They just pulled his fingernails on one finger" Shovelhead say and I look at him.

"They have been cutting him too, Knuckles is helping Psycho" I say as I try to remember what happen.

"It's going to be blood if Psycho is in there, he knows what Mama want and He will do worst when it come to their Youngling, Sea Hatchling have a 15 hour limits as long as he can pass that, Sarge is good, but Youngling that Fucker found, he is going to be brought to the Gate of hell and they will allow Lucifer himself to fuck him over, and then when Lucifer have had his fun, they are going to fuck him over again and they will push and push until he can't take more. Youngling will have to code out, before they stop" He say and I'm looking at him.

"They will do that shit to the Youngling until he beg them to stop" Shovelhead ask the officer and I'm looking at him.

"No not beg, he have to code out, Everyone of the Dragons have a code word for this, so until he code out they will working on him" He say as he start to walk away and I turn to Breaker coming out and I see him look at us.

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