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Fuck my head is pounding like someone took a fucking jackhammer to it, What the fuck was I drinking last night as take my first deep breath it's a sickening smell, I'm crack one eye open and I see the lifeless body of Tiny laying in-front of me, her body look broken and I'm looking up to see a single light bulb swinging slowly as if the wind is blowing on it. I feel so much pain in my body I know that the those fuckers beat the shit out of me, but I'm more worry about Tiny since she is smaller than me I know I can take a beating.

"Tiny" I whisper as I gently move over to where Tiny is laying and I fear the worst as I'm place my hand against her neck and I breath a sigh of relief as I'm feeling a week pulse on her neck.

"Tiny" I whisper and I'm going to shake her but before I can even shake her, I see her eyes open up and she is on her feet, I didn't except that off her.

"Are you okay" I ask as I'm looking at her as she give me a nod I see her looking around and she walk over to the door and I see her slam her shoulder into it.

"That's not a good idea" I tell her but Tiny is not listening.

I sigh as I'm take in the room even more, this room is used for something and I would guess that that door reinforced somehow because Tiny is running against the door and jump and place all of her body weight behind it all.

"Please stop it, you will only hurt yourself" I tell her and she kick the door and I see her trying to feel the door and I see her looking at the walls.

"Tiny you need sit down" I tell her and she just look at me as the we hear steps and I see Tiny turn to the door and she take her seat next to the door and I see her make herself small and I see the door open and a gun is the first thing we see and I swallow, I don't know who they are but I know that Tiny shouldn't be here.

"WHERE IS THE OTHER ONE" I hear a deep voice growling at me and I see him raise the Gun and I see Tiny get ready for something and I shake my head when I see another men come in the room and he place at gun against Tiny's head and he grip her neck.

"I wouldn't do that" I hear the second voice growl and I can tell it's a Hispanic accent.

"Now Get him" I hear the second one say and they are dragging Tiny out of the room and I see two more men standing in the room I see a chair and I know what's about to happen because I'm normally the one putting someone in that chair, I feel them drag me over to the chair and I know I need to keep calm so that Tiny won't get hurt.

"As long as you do as we say, She will remain unharmed, and Untouched" I hear one of the others say and I see more of them come into the room and I swallow as Tiny lock her eyes with me.

"Bitch lay down" They yell at Tiny but she is not moving.

"Do as they, say" I call out and I see Tiny looking at me and she is not looking happy but I see her slowly allowed her body to sink down and I see them grab rope and then duck-tape, and I see them secure her with that and they are rolling her to the side and I see her looking around.

I see one of them holding a gun to Tiny's head as they are starting to secure me to the Chair, I have a shotgun pointed to my head, and I'm looking around I'm seeing the Chaos patches around me and the light is flickering here, and I see one of them turn on music and I see Tiny roll her eyes and then They start beating the shit out of me, as Tiny is laying on the floor as I'm getting hit they are hitting me in the face and I see them keep a eye on Tiny and I Don't really hear what they are asking but They are keeping me in the chair and I see Tiny is laying down and I see her breathing heavily as if she have trouble to breathing, I see them leave us and I see Tiny roll over to her back and I see her looking around and the music is playing and I can tell that she is trying to do something.

Voice-less, Not UselessWhere stories live. Discover now