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I'm looking at Knuckles as he driving off, he said something felt wrong that My little bird was not at the Garage, he took off telling me he would call me when he find her and I get in the garage and I'm walking up to the office and I start going thru the day work order, I'm happy that my Girl showed Ink and me how she did this, but I still miss her and I'm worried with the new Devil club. I get my brothers to work when my phone signal a text incoming and I read it, it's from Knuckles, he is at Dragons new house, her truck is there and the door is unlocked and Skyla is there, I frown and I read that he say something is wrong.

"VIKING" I yell out and I see him turn to me and I see the Club stop working.

"What is it" I hear Viking say as he come to me and I see Hawk and dad look at me.

"Knuckles is at Dragons new house and something is wrong, I'm going there" I tell him and I see Viking look at me.

"I'm going with you, Kicker you mind keeping eye on shit?" Viking ask and we are driving off after Kicker told us that it was okay.

The drive up to my hummingbird's home, and I see Knuckles bike parked in-front of the house and on the Front door is open and I'm not walking I'm running up to the house and Viking is behind me and I see that Knuckles is no where to be see, and as soon as we come in we can see the boxes, and we are griping out guns and we are looking at one and other.

"I knew I should have left her alone last night" I growl and I hear Viking growl something like that too.

"Okay lets see if we can find Knuckles and Tiny" I hear Viking say and we start walking thru the big house, I haven't yet been here and I'm telling you this house is big.

We start walking thru each room and we are walking together, and I see each room is filed with box and I don't know what to feel is but I can feel the hair on my arm stand up and I'm looking at Viking we have search the first floor and we are walking up to the next floor and we still are not finding My girl and I'm getting worried. I don't know the layout of the house but I know it was big and I hear the whining from Skyla and I'm trying to hurry to the place where Skyla is, Viking is following me but we can't find it and I hear banging after that and it come from the floor above me and I running to the stares and Viking is running behind me and we are hurry up the stairs and, I'm hurry down the hallway and as I come in to the corridor, Skyla give up a bark when she see me and she pull Knuckles from the door where he have been knocking on.

"What's wrong Knuckles" Viking ask as he take Skyla in his arms.

"The door was unlocked, and Skyla came running to me, I was looking thru the hole house and this is the only door that won't open, and I haven't seen T" he say as he get up from the floor and I see Skyla licking Vikings face.

"Skyla lead me here, and she have been whining outside off this door" He say and I see him go back to the door.

"Little sister?" I hear Viking say as he is knocking on the door and I see him trying to open it.

I remember something that Psycho showed at the house at Marine base and I walk over to the beginning on the hallway and I get the panel open and I see the numbers on the button, and then I'm press the button that should be the room that Viking and Knuckles stand outside and I hurry back as Psycho said we only have a few second to open the door, and I get the door open but it's blocked from the inside but Skyla press her body inside. Viking and Knuckles are helping me pressing the door open and We are getting inside the dark room and I see it's a bedroom, but it's dark and I see Skyla sit in-front of another door and I walk over to the door and I knock on it, I know that the old Dragon nest was a sound proof, so I knew that she wouldn't hear us banging on the door, and I press down the handle but as I'm trying to open the door I can't and I can feel the that someone is sitting on the other side of the door and I know we found her.

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