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I'm looking at Bear coming out of the office and I wished that I had got a hold of Bear, because it's a bad enough to bring a Civilian with out Papa's Permission, but to disrespect the office like that I just hope that Bear is okay, I'm looking at him as we start walking.

"He said we could stay the night, but Asswipe is sleeping in the truck" Bear tells me and I nod as we are walking.

"You shouldn't have walked in with him" I growl at him and I see my president look at me.

"Asswipe told me to walk in with him, when the Guard was trying to detain me at the gate, he told me not to leave his side no matter what" Bear say and that make me stop.

"Fuck, they are still testing you" I growl and I pick up my phone.

"Runt Get Mama to listen" I say and I take a deep breath as we are walking again and I showing him where we are going to sleep of the night.

"Psycho, He said no phone call" Bear say as he pull my phone out of my hand and hang up.

"He said not to call anyone Text yes but no Phone call" Bear say and I know that Bear is not lies to me, I take my phone back and I send a text telling my Mother that they are still testing her Ember, and I'm looking at Bear as he is texting too.

"Are you going to tell me?" I ask him and I see him looking at me.

"Well Not really, I'm working on something and I don't want you to rat me out" Bear say and I'm looking at him as we step into one of the barracks.

"You know you better not Cheat on her" I say at him and he look at me.

"Psycho I haven't cheated on anyone, okay" Bear tells me and We walk over to the beds.

"Bear come on talk to me, I'm a brother to you" I tell him and I see him looking at me with worried eyes.

I see him take his bed and I see him reading something of his phone, but he is not talking to me and I know that I need wait for him to speak to me, but he keep playing with his phone I'm guessing that he is texting with Bitch, I frown as I think about because I didn't hear screaming from the office since Asswipe left the office so Bear most have been able to talk to Papa without screaming, so somehow Bear manage to calm down Papa down so that he could talk and Papa is not a easy man to calm down, when he is piss off.

"Psycho HERE NOW" I hear Papa yell and I get up from my bed and I walk over to the hallway where my Dragon father is waiting, and I see him look at me.

"Sir" I say and I'm looking at the wall and I can feel Papa walking on and off in-front of me and I'm waiting.

"Haven't Mothers Ember Pasted every test to get the Ember status" Papa growls at me and I turn to see him I see that he is piss off.

"He have" I answer and I see him looking at me and I can tells him thinking.

"Then Explain why He is still are tested, that was the reason why he walked in Asswipe" HE growl at me and I take a deep breath.

"I think that they are testing him because of what he was talking to you and Cody about" I tell him and he looking at me and I see him nod.

"But he haven't told you?" Papa ask and I shake my head.

"Good Light's out" he say and Turn around to walk out and I nod as I walk back into the room and I see Bear laying in his bed and I jump up in the bed I had picked.

I don't say a word to Bear as I know that Papa will turn of the light and the power if he hears words from this room and I fall asleep quickly, I wake up when the sun is rising and I hope that Bear did fall right away and I jump off the bed and I see that Bear is sleeping and he have his phone on his chest and I walk over to him and gently shake his shoulder and he walk up and I see him looking at me, and I can tell he is grumpy at me waking him up.

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