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My sister is home When I saw her step out of the Car, I know something is wrong and I see her sort of talking with her face but she do it so fast that I don't understand and she walk over to Sherman's Car and she seem to be worried and when she walk passed me I grab her arm to make her look at me and those dead eyes that she had made my body freeze and I know I have been worried about my little sister since I fucked up with her, Now when she is back, I wanted to make sure that she is okay, so when I grabbed her arm I wanted her to speak to me or allow me to talk to her, but her eyes are cold and when she pull her arm away from me, I'm about to ask my sister about that I feel someone hit me, and it's square in the jaw and this make my head snap to the side and this remind me of another one off the Dragons and I react like I always have done when someone hit Me, I hit back but the person that hit me is not backing down after a few hit's so I keep swinging, it only a few swings before I hit the air and I see my little sister step up and she is fighting the man that hit me.

"Don't" I hear a voice say and I see a man stand in-front of me I don't know this one but I'm looking over to see Bear being holding back by two men.

"Trust me don't" the guy say and his eyes are the same as my sister and I see the man that missing legs are holding Skyla with his hand and Skyla is not even flinching and I want to fight him, I want to protect my sister, and I growl at him.

"Don't trust me you have no idea what is going on" The man say and I remember something that My sister always say to me, "You have no idea what I'm capable of" This is something she would say to me.

I'm looking at my Sister fighting a man that is taller than her, she is not fighting like she did with Fucker or the Crazy squad, because this is worst and When I see the Ax come out I think it's a fake ax or that it's not sharpened that it won't hurt my sister but He manage to get cut her arm with that ax and I trying help my sister but he is pushing me back and I see him look at me, and I look up to see my sister get stabbed with a knife and I see Her look at the knife and she simple pull the knife out of her arm, my sister don't even care about it and I see her grab The Guy by his hair and I see her place the same knife that was in her arm is now almost in the guys eye and I hear someone call to My sister and I see her take the phone and she only answer with a word, I'm looking at the man that was stopping me from helping my sister or protecting my sisters back and she walk over to me with blood running down her arm, and she don't give a flying fuck that she is bleeding and I see the dark eyes are looking at me and once she come up to me and She grab my T-shirt pulling it down so she can get to the necklace, That she gave me and I never take it off, I will only ever take it off, when my sister ask me to and so far she never asked for it and I see her grab it and She is holding up the medallion that is on the chain and I see each off them are looking at me with big eyes and I hear the man that is next to me say something.

"Oh Fuck" I hear him say and I'm looking at my sister as she looking at each off the men in the eye and she drop the medallion and she step forward about three or four step and I see her cut herself on the hand and Then half spin against me as if she going to throw the knife but I feel something hit my face and the sound was something like fluid.

"He fucking lucky that he is alive" I hear the voice say and I turn around to look at him.

"What?" I ask and I see My sister crack her knuckles and this is something everyone in the Club know is her way of calling for Knuckles and I see my brother walk against Tiny after his Girl push him against her and I think she know something We don't.

I'm looking at Knuckles that walking up to my sister and she take his hand and she cut his hand this is going to piss me off but then I see her grab his hand with her own bloody hand, and raise it up for them to see the blood running from Knuckles hand and Tiny's hand down their arms and she let go down.

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