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I'm looking at Psycho coming with a weapon case and I know that he Know T better than us, and we are follow T and Bear back up to the house that Is now a dragon Nest, we are driving and I see the T's truck and Skyla jump out and I see T smile at Wolf and she give him a hug and she lead us into the house and I see her lead us down the basement that I packed her weapon up in and I see her lead us into the room and I see Psycho jumping on the spot and I see her smirk as she walk over to a wall, that I did see when I fixed the weapon locker, I did see her open the weapon lockers, and the Ammo locker, I know that T have a lot of weapon and I see her smirk as she nod to Psycho and he press a light and I frown because nothing happen and I see Psycho walk up to her and they pull together.

"Check this out" Psycho call out as they are pulling the wall and I see the light.

"HOLY SHIT" I hear Ink say and I see it's another room but this as far as a outside fire range.

"is this a" I hear someone else and I see T smirk at us.

"You are shitting us?" I hear Ink call out and I see Tiny looking at me as she throw a weapon to me.

"How long is this?" Wolf ask her and she do a hand signal to Wiz.

"it's a Dragon Standard" Psycho say before Wiz can translate for us.

"We have free access to this?" I ask I'm one of those that are not allowed at the Fire range, and I see T Nod to us and then shake her head.

"We have free access to this as long as we are telling her that we are here, We can bring any weapon, she can get any ammo we need, sure we shouldn't use her ammo if we are doing shit for the Club but We are welcome to make sure that aim is true" Psycho say as T throwing a ammo box at him.

"Thank Bitch!" Psycho calling out and I see T open the weapon locker and I see her smirk.

"Little buddy, do you have the weapon I use at the range?" Wolf ask and I see T, pull out a weapon and she smile at him as she give him a weapon.

She take out a old sniper rifle it's a weapon that I would say was new in 1940, and I see Tiny take out bullets and I see her put something in her ear and I see Wolf and Psycho do the same but T only do that in one ear. I see her flip a switch and I see the target pop up and I see her take a shoot and it's not echo to much down here but hell that hurt my ears.

"Shit, A warning" I hear Hawk say and I see her smirk when at Hawk.

"You are in fire range Hawk with a dragon you should be glad that she only shoot once" Psycho say as he take a the shoot.

"Fuck" Hawk calling out as Psycho smirk at him.

"Shit I missed" Psycho growl and I see T do a hand sign to him.

"Yeah I know" he say and I see Wolf take his weapon and Skyla is laying next to T feet and she don't even react to the shot, I can tell that T have been training Skyla to not reach and I see her pull out another weapon.

"No BITCH No, Skyla is going to lose her shit" I hear Psycho call out and I see now what she fucking pulled out, it's a fucking machine gun, and I see her put It up and I see her load it up and I see Psycho pull out another par off ear protection, and he looking at us.

"Protect your ears for this be loud" Psycho call out and I see him throw the protection to us and just as we put them on I see T start fire the Machine gun and Skyla is pressing her heard against T, but she is laying there and she stop shotting and I see T sit up and I see her pull something out of her ears and it's a ear plugs and I see Wolf laugh.

"You really thought that she would do to Skyla?" Wolf say and I see T smiling at Psycho.

"Shit that's loud" Bear growl at her and she smile at him.

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