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I'm laughing as they are starting to throw me around this is something that they are doing when they are getting bored and they need to do something and I'm so use to them pick me up like this and throw me to the next one, Asswipe and Numbnutts are the two men that normally do this, Asswipe told me once that his goal was to learn who to use a Warhammer, like the one in fantasy story's and That's when I told him that he was allowed to use me as practice to throw around, and I know that he would use me as a weight and Numbnutts knew that he need to keep up with his brother and Asswipe was one of the few that made the Field test to become a dragon, He is my Dragonlinger, I have the least amount of Dragonlinger, I have Five Psycho and Asswipe are the two that are the closest to me in craziness, Numbnutts is placing me down on the my feet.

'Can we go bowling?' I ask as I'm seeing a sign with that, It was a long since we had been bowling and Fucker should be here.

"Sure But there is a fair out there" I hear Loss lips call out and I'm looking at them and I want to go to the fair and bowling too.

"Why don't we take the bowling first for a hour before we head up and get change in to Civil cloths and get our Jackets and then take to the fair, I think that Creator and daddy have left by then" Numbnutts say and I turn around to see Runt standing there.

'Runt Track down if Creator and rest of the Officer have left, My man will feel left out if he can't wear his cut' I say and I see him nod and he take off.

"Sure no problem" he say he leave and I see Bear coming up to me and he look at me.

"Do I want to know what's going on?" Bear ask and I point at the bowling sign and I see him smile.

"Sure I haven't bowling in years, Think Last time did that was when my sister turned 16" Bear say and I raise my eyebrow at that I never heard that he had a sister from him or Wolf even from the guys in the club.

"She asking why she haven't heard that you have a sister" Numbnutts say for me.

"Oh, Katherina that's my sister name, she left as soon as she was she could, I'm not the best brother to keep in contact with her but, If she call I will pick up, but she sort of not agree with the Club shit, she know the rules, If you want I can get her on the Video chat, so you can meet her" Bear say and I nod as he speak and I smile.

'it's okay, I'm just wonder why you didn't speak about her' I say and know that Numbnutts will translate for me, and I hear Numbnutts speak over me dragonish speak.

"Just that My Sister disconnected herself from us, and when I took my president patch she wasn't around, she may come around for Dad's Birthdays, sometimes she would show up on my birthdays, and depending on how bad dad feel, she would come around for Veterans day and Thanksgiving" Bear tells me and I nod as he speak.

"We are going for a hour bowling and then changing cloths before heading to the Fair" Asswipe say and We are getting in the bowling hall and We are all getting our Boots off and into the bowling shoes and I see Bear is getting into the shoes too and the guy's splitting up in team and Bear is on my line with Asswipe and Numbnutts.

"We are lucky that the top dragon are not here" I hear Numbnutts say as We are staring to bowling.

"Why is that" I hear Bear say and he look at my men.

"well they are really competitive, They competes with everything you may not see it but their training their work out, every thing is a competition" Asswipe say as he sit down and Numbnutts take the bowling ball and he is doing his roll.

"I was thinking it was like they where trigger one and other, when they are doing their workout" I hear Bear say and I see Numbnutts nod as he come back.

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