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I'm standing next to One of the Dragonlinger as he raise his fist and knock only once on the door, I don't know what test they are doing right now, I know that everything is a test and I try to stand as straight as I can, I know that no matter what they throw at me, I will not ring the bell. When they told me that Mother dragon is pregnant, my mind go back to the day when they took us up in the airplane, I know that she was sick and I'm worried that I may have hurt her, I still remember when Dragon Sherman told us to find a partner and The Guy's where slow and I almost made Mother fall on the ground, I remember how I cradle her to make sure that she wouldn't fall or lose her balance, but the thought of what I did is enough to make me sick, I could have hurt The Mother of the Dragon, I know that would have got me kill, I hear the door open.

"What the fuck?" I hear a voice and I know that this is a dragon or Dragonlinger.

"Dragonlinger is here with Hatchlinger to see Mother" I hear the voice next to me.

"You know Mother is not well" I hear the voice say and I'm focus my eyes above his head so I'm not looking at him.

"Dragonlinger is aware of it, but Creator and Father of Dragons have already sign of on this Mothers is need" he say and I have no idea what's going on, I'm trying to keep calm.

"Hatchlinger have not been informed of mothers Illness" the man in the door say and I know to be quit.

"He has, but been order to keep it quit" the voice next to me, I still don't have his name

"Hatchlinger look at me" the man in the door say and I turn my eyes to him.

"There is rules in this Nest, You are going to follow, You are not to step closer to Mother than Three step, You don't to touch Mother at all. You are to speak with respect to Mother, You are to show Mother Respect if you stress Mother out You will pay for it" The Dragon or Dragonlinger say to me and I know better than to speak with out there be a question.

"Asswipe you better hope that this don't blow up" the man in the door and I know better than to step in the house before a Dragon or Dragonlinger step in, So When Asswipe as my escort name is don't step inside I don't move.

"have you coach him?" I hear the man say and this is what Dragons overseas taught me this.

"No and Zero have not coach him, the only coach he may have is the Top Dragons overseas" Asswipe say and I see them look at me.

Asswipe walk into the house and I wait to make sure that I'm not walking to the house until I'm the last one into the house, I take off my head cover, and I make sure to keep three step behind Asswipe and I make sure to always not to touch anything as we are walking. I don't know what is going on. We are coming into a room that look's like a living-room and Asswipe stop and I stop and I straight up looking at a photo on the wall, I hear Asswipe move forward and I make sure that I'm not moving.

"this?" I hear Mothers voice say and I don't see what She is doing but I hear the moving of paper.

"Sit" I hear a voice and I cross my ankles and I'm start to drop down when I hear a clear throat, and I freeze, that's a sound that the Dragons oversea would do in combat, to stop me from doing something.

"Mother Meant take a chair and sit down" I hear a voice say and I straight up.

"Taught?" I hear Mothers voice and I guess she ask who trained me.

"Dragons in hot nest" I say and I hope that she will understand.

"How?" I hear her voice ask again I'm still not looking at her.

"Dragons in hot nest, Told this Hatchlinger that the word spoken was the word that This Hatchlinger should fallow, Word was sit, the response was to sit where this Hatchlinger are not to look for something soft or better place, just follow the word" I say and I'm keep my eyes on a empty frame and I know I will miss the Dragon speech that she use but I have not been order to look at Mother and with her pregnant.

Voice-less, Not UselessWhere stories live. Discover now