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I can't believe that Runt could jump like that, I was pressed up against the wall with a knife against my throat and I know not to react when a knife is out and playing, and I see Runt look me straight in my eyes and I know I staring in to the eyes of a Man who will die for My love, he would kill for her, I see what she means to him and the others, and Runt is pressing the broadside of the blade against my neck, not the sharp end that most mean something, He have his face straight up in mine, and I can see a man that is holding on by a inch, Runt is about to snap and I'm standing still and I hear the Crazy squad calling for Runt to calm down and I think that they are worried that he is killing me.

"RUNT UP FRONT AND CENTER" I hear Pussy scream and I feel the knife leave my neck and now it's pointing at my face and he walk back so that the Crazy once can see. I know he want to kill me, I was expecting this from Asswipe not Runt.

"No way Papa or Creator would allow him to ask out of the blue" I hear I think it's Asshole say it I know it's one of them who are oversea.

"CUNT" I hear Fucker scream I have got use to his voice and I hope that this will go easy but I forgot that I was talking to Military personal, Dad said once When I grew up that he is a little square.

"Yes Fucker?" Cunt say as he take a step forward and I see him hold his head high like they all are doing.

"Tell me the Truth" I hear the Men oversea growling and I see Cunt stand even straighter.

"Ask Asswipe" I hear Cunt say and I see Cunt just look straight at the screen and I'm not turning my head to see what Crazy squad is looking at.

"Asswipe?" I hear a growl coming and I see Asswipe step up just like Cunt did.

"He said he wanted to talk to, Told me and no I didn't beat the Shit out of him. I wanted but my brother reminded me that he was Mothers Ember, I told Numbnutts to take him to Creator" Asswipe say and that's true, it was what happen only that he broke a fucking wall too.

"BEAR?" I hear coming from the Screen and I slowly step forward and I turn to the screen and I hope that they can see me.

"Yes dragon" I answer and I face them, I'm trying not to show fear, because right now I have all of the Dragons behind me, and from what I learned about these men is that they are Lethal as hell and they don't give a fuck who they hurt as long as they are protecting their family, and I hope that they don't see that I'm afraid of having my back to the dragons that is here.

"Have you talked to Creator and Father of the Dragons" I hear Fucker ask and I see him now and he leaning forward over the table and I can tell his angry.

"Yes, I have talked to both, and I haven't Got their Blessing, They Wouldn't give it unless I have The dragons blessing." I tell him and I hear movements behind my back and I don't really dare to look behind me, but no one is touching me so I hope that this is going okay.

"You where not joking?" I hear someone say behind me and I turn around so I stand so I can see both off the screen and the Dragons that's here, I pull out my hand out of my pocket with box.

"No I'm not joking Dragons" I tell them as I turn around looking at the Dragons but before I can even open the box One of the Dragons have snatch the box out of my hand and I see him open it and he is look at the ring.

"That is not new" I hear one of them and I see them start passing the box around and one of them is look really close at the ring.

"This has old Carvings, I mean like Runes" another Dragons say and I see one of them take out something from his pocket and it's a jeweler's loupe as he start to look over the Ring.

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