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Bear is brushing my hair and he is also braid my hair, I know that Bear love to play with my hair and for some reason I find it relaxing when he do, it's the same feeling I get when he is touching me and as he said worship my body, I never felt this relax when someone play with my hair in years, last time I think was Fuckers mother, when she was helping me put my hair for a school photo. I feel Bears Kiss my neck as he moving my hair over my shoulder as he kissing my other shoulder.

"I know you want to leave, but I want one last night with you" Bear say in a soft voice and I feel his hand moving over my shoulders down my arms, and he pulling me closer to his body.

"You are so beautiful my little bird" I hear him say as he moving his hand over to my belly and I turning around to face him.

I'm pulling myself closer to him and I'm running my hand up over his chest and to his neck and Bear is lifting me up so I'm straddling him and He pull the t-shirt that I'm wearing he pull it over my head and feel his hand run up and down my back and I feel his kisses hotter and I'm willing to follow him in this dance and I feel him grip stubble as he move his mouth and the kisses down my neck and I hear him growl softly against my skin and I'm running my nails down his back and I hear him unbutton my jeans, I know that he won't be able to get them off as I'm straddling him but I feel his hand sneak inside and start rubbing, It has become so nature for me to allow him to do this, and I love the feeling, I'm trying to keep my mind clear as I'm running my hands towards his own belt and jeans, I want more. I want to feel more, I love his way of handling me, I'm getting his belt open and I'm starting to get his jeans unzipped, and I hear him groan as I'm trying my best to trying to match, how he is moving his hand over my body.

"Bear" I moan as he press just right on the point, I know that Bear is not his real name,

"DeAngelo" I hear him growl at my breast as he have been sucking on my nipples thru the lace bra, and it feels so fucking good as he do this and I have feel him moving around and He somehow managed to get me out of my jeans.

"My name love it's DeAngelo" Bear growl as I feel his him fingers sneak inside of me making moan again, as he growl at me, and I moan and I nod to him.

I'm fumbling with my hands as I'm trying to move his jeans but the way he is holding me make my movement hard but also the feeling his giving me make me lose focus, I feel my hip and my body move against him and I can feel the fire that he started and I hear him growl and I feel him buckle his hip against me and I feel his hand that is massage my breast is gripping a little hard and I hear him sigh, and I feel his hand and movement stop and I feel my fire and heat from my body slowly die out, and I look down at where his has laid his head against my chest and I know something happen and I gently place my hand against his throat this is a sign that Every Dragon and Dragonlinger know it means 'VOICE' but I use it when I want the person to speak up or Voice whatever is going on, Than I remember that I haven't told Bear what that means.

"I know what you want" I hear Bear or DeAngelo say and I fee l him lift his head from my chest.

"I'm sorry love" Bear say as he start to kissing my neck again.

"Fuck" He growl as he laid me down gently in the bed and I'm looking at him as he hover over me.

"gnorw?" I ask in a soft voice and I see him looking at me and he sigh as I ask this.

"myself discipline love, you make me control over my body" Bear whisper as he kiss my neck and I feel him move my hands from his body, and I tilt my head because I want to touch him and I want him.

I press my hand against his throat again and I feel him move as he looking at me and he look sad for someone reason and he looking at me as he place a soft kiss on my lips.

Voice-less, Not UselessWhere stories live. Discover now