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My body is in pain.

My body is tired.

My hole body is sore.

My body is bruised from the fighting 

I have abrasions on my feet, and someother place I don't want to think off.

I'm laying on my bed wishing that I could return home, but I will not quite, The Drill instructor told me when I arrived here, if I wanted to quite I only had to ring the bell in the end of the hallway. I'm not doing this alone, I'm doing this training with a few of Tiny's Brothers, and They seem to know what's going on, and They seem to enjoy when the Drill instructors are yelling at them or me, I'm trying to write but my hands fucking hurt, and I can barely hold my head up, No coffee, No smokes, nothing, only training and sleep, I miss my bike.

"SNOWBALL" I hear someone call and it's one of the Dragons, they have started calling me Snowball.

"What?" I say in a sleepy voice.

"You know that the Bell is in the end of the hallway" They call out and they are laughing they have been saying this each day and I know that they are making fun of me.

I'm closing my eyes and I hope that I can sleep but every time I close my eyes, I fear that someone will yell at me to awake up and I sit up and get off my bed and I move slowly.

"Come on snowball" I hear them calling and I walk into the bathroom.

I feel the need to splash my face with water and I remember that I'm allowed to make a phone call today. The instructor told me this morning and I start walking over to where the phone is and I know that they are watching me, I have send a few letter to Nanette, but I haven't go an any letter from her. I know that My sister can't really speak in the phone but I don't want to speak to Nanette.

"Sherman" I hear Sherman answer the phone and I hope that my sister is next to him.

"Is my sister there?" I ask and I hear laughing going on in the background.

"BITCH, SNOWBALL ON PHONE" I hear Sherman scream and I lean my head against the wall, fuck he have heard the nickname they gave me.

"Viking?" I hear my sister voice and I smile.

"Hey T" I say in a sigh.

"Wrong?" Tiny ask and I guess she ask what's wrong.

"Nothing just need to hear you voice" I tell her and I hear her giggle.

"Why?" She ask and I'm looking in to the room.

"I don't know little sister, I have been sending letter to Nanette but she haven't answer them, she haven't spoke to me since I told her That I would do this For you to forgive me" I tell her and I hear her call something out.

"You are on speaker now, Bitch want me to ask you if you want us to check up on Nanettte?" I hear Sherman ask and I think about it.

"Yes if you would be so kind" I tell them and I hope that my Darling is not hurt.

"IS That Viking on the Phone?" I hear a voice I should know, but I can't place it.

"Yes but we are calling him snowball at the moment" Sherman calling to someone.

"We are checking on Nanette" Sherman say.

"your Time, save" I hear my sister say and I know what she mean.

"Okay Love you little sister" I tell her and I hang up and I walk back to my bad.

I'm laying down on the bed and I know that that Tiny is taking care of my brother and I have only been her brother for a few months but since she moved in With Tools she started taking care of us. I take a deep breath and I'm happy that my ribs stop hurting after the training we did today. I'm closing my eyes and I fall into the sleep like I have done for almost each of the nights here all but the first night. I know that their nickname on me is just their way of live, and I haven't earned the nickname Viking yet, I sigh and roll to my side and pulling the blanket over me, I learned to not sleep under the cover, because the Drill instructors smoked me hard for not making the bed good enough and I start to understand why my sister have her strange habits when it come to cleaning or dressing or whatever she is doing, I know I need my sleep so I'm can do what they want tomorrow.

 I will not ring that fucking Bell, I will not be weak, I will prove to my sister that I have at least some of the streangth she have. I may not become a Dragon or even a Dragonlinger, but I will compleat the Three months, I will do it. That bell can burn in hell, I hate it and I will not touch it... I WILL NOT QUITE 

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