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I'm looking at Fucker who standing next to Runt that is on the phone with his Grandmother, I know that he send the photo to his family and I see him smile as he telling his Grandmother what happen during the Doc visit, I can hear his sister calling from the background, Runt is having this call on speakerphone and I hear the Little sister ask if she can come once the Children is born.

"Camille She may not be okay with that, remember that she is carry triplets" Runt say and I sign to him telling him that they can be there when we come home from hospital.

"Camille put me on speakerphone" Runt say and I hear them all over the phone.

"Mama dragon said to invite you all to come here when they are coming home from hospital" Runt say and I hear Camille cheer on the phone.

"Thank you for invite us for this" The Mother say and I smile at Runt.

"You are part of the family, I will call when she is in hospital" Runt say and he hang up and I smile at him and I hear Skyla start barking and I see Runt take the stand between me and the door and I see Fucker walking over to the door, Skyla only bark when there is unknown coming, I turn to Bear who frown.

"It's unknown biker" Fucker say and I see Bear walking up to me and he kiss my head as he walk up to fucker.

"I will take it outside, Guard the door I don't want them close to my love, will one of you back me up?" Bear ask and I nod to my brother and he knows that I want him to back him up because Runt and Mutt is here with me and Fucker is the best fighter of them.

"I go with you" Fucker say and they hurry outside and I see Runt and Mutt take their stand and I know that Fucker is going to protect my love and the father of my unborn children and I see Runt looking at me and he make sure that I'm okay.

I see Mutt standing in the hallway, I lay down in the lazy chair that I insisted that we bought three off, I'm the only one that use them and I see Runt come with a blanket to me and I smile at him as he place the blanket over me and I snuggle into the blanket. I hear the front-door open and I lift my head to see Fucker walk in and he seem okay and I sign to him what happen.

"Prospect or a nomad or even a new biker, Bear asked me to step inside for a second" Fucker say and I nod as he walk back outside, I see Mutt is on the phone.

"Creator called got Sea Hatchling pain time" Mutt say and I look at him.

"15 hours and 12 minutes, so Sarge is happy. He said he is happy with the time and his score he asked if you are willing to let him go back to the Seal" Mutt say and I smile and I sign to Mutt so that he can tell Cody, that I'm okay with letting Sea Hatchlinger go and Mutt is telling Cody what I tell him and I hear the door open again and I hear Two seat of foot step and I turn to see Bear and Fucker coming in and I smile at him as he come over to me.

"I need to go down to the club house, some club stuff is going on" Bear say as he kiss me before He turn to Fucker.

"I will be find driving down with him, Don't worry Viking is coming up here, I text him that we have friend here, and that you guy's don't want me to travel alone with someone unknown" Bear say and I smile at this, I don't know much about The Mc dealing and I told Bear that we will talk more once the Children is born, but until then I don't want to know anything about the Mc that can cause me stress, and he will accept anything that my brothers ask of him.

I lean back in my chair and I close my eyes, I hear Runt singing and I smile at this, The song is a old song that he was taught but one of the Women in the Orphanage, he would sing this song when we were dropped in Alaska, and when we are dropped in the Desert or when we was shipped oversea, It's a song that everyone Dragon and Dragonlinger knows and it's a song of comfort, and safety. I listen to the song as I slowly falling asleep.

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