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I'm not sure what is going on but I see Cody are looking at them and I see him looking at them with a smirk because they didn't answer him as if they know no to answer him and wait for him to speak.

"We all know, what happen last Time FUCKER, ASSHOLE AND ZERO, RIGHT" he growl out and I see them not move but now I really want to know what they fuck they did.

"SIR YES SIR" They answer and I see them not looking at anyone but they are standing in the line.

"Now with That said, I DON'T WANT YOU ANYONE OF YOU FUCK UP THIS BALL" He scream out and I see their eyes is showing glee.

"YES SIR" they answer him again and I see him smirk now as he look at Chris.

"I need some thing more, For I know how you Fire breathing Dragon, So What do You have for me?" he ask and I see him look at each off them and I see them not move.

"HONOR SIR" They answer and I frown why would the answer that.

"Honor you say" he answer them.

"What do you say Father of the Dragon would their honor be enough?" he ask looking at the Man standing next to me.

"From this squad honor is what they have" Major answer him and I see him looking at something in his hand.

"Mother of Dragons please step out and face me" Cody say and I see my girl take her step out from the place that is the third closest to him and she step straight out in the middle off the floor and she turn to face him.

"This is your mother?" HE ask and I see my girl standing tall and she standing stiff.

"SIR YES SIR" They are yelling and I see him smirk.

"Mother of Dragon, Known as Lance Corporal Tiny Crazy Bitch. Other would say Tiny Bastard, But this is your Mother this is your leader, the one that you all respect am I Right?" he ask and I hear them answer him again yes, I see Fuckers eyes flick a second and I can tell his worried.

"It don't sound like a leader" he say as he step closer to Tiny.

"Speak to permission request Dragon This" I hear my Darling speak and it's the first time I hear my darling speak clearly but the word are place in a backwards but it's easy to understand.

"Permission granted" Cody say to her.

"Rank" she say and it's all she need to say.

"Rank don't' matter to dragons we respect our leader not the Rank" Cody say and I see my darling nod.

"Well This have been The Dragon way for years now, But You are a dying race, This is unacceptable. You are The Best squad for some things that we don't speak off" he say and I see my girl still waiting for him and I see Chris walk up to Where my love stand.

"Lance Corporal, WHY IS THERE NO RANK ON YOUR SHOULDER" he start and then he is screaming in my darlings ear but not the ear with her dragon on it.

"Dress blue" she answers him and I see Major looking at her.

"You are telling me that you are only allowed to wear your rank on your Dress blue?" the Major ask and he sound angry.

"Yes Sir" she answers, and I start understanding her speaking she is so used to men understand her with one word or fill in what she is saying asking if this is what she mean.

"Well Lance corporal, This is no longer acceptable, You are the Mother of Dragon, You will display your rank at all time, I Understand that some off you will not accept the rank while in The HOT NEST, But you will all display your rank from this day" Cody say and I'm not sure I'm understand what's going on.

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