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I'm walking with my brother back into the room and I see him is looking at the laptop, as I'm looking at something I don't understand.

"This is Phoenix, and I'm telling you I don't know how it work, but I got TCB here and I have to go thru the last 36 hours before I can get a live stream for this, It sound strange but it's made being monitor all hours, and So I have to go thru it" Pussy say and I nod as I'm looking at him.

"Please tell me you can speed thru it" I tell him and he nod.

"I can" he say and I see Pussy start going thru it.

"Get our Black box, even Tiny's we need all of them" I whisper to Asshole and he nod as he take off he brought the Truck and I see Psycho standing in the door.

"You got your Black box?" I ask and he nod as he looking at me.

"Get it, We will need all of it" I tell him and I see him turn around and leave.

"What do you want me to do?" I hear Wiz ask and I see him look at us.

"Get us Coffee, and something to eat" Pussy say and I hear him working and his not happy and I see Asshole come back with the four box and Place them on the table and I open them one by one and I see Psycho come with his.

"GO thru the boxes" I tell him and I hear my phone ringing and I answer it.

"Go for fucker" I answer because it's one of the Dragons number.

"Sugar to Fucker, Where are you?" I hear a voice of a friend and I smile Sugar tits good we could need him for what's about to come.

"You will find us at Black Souls MC," I tell him and I hang up and I see them looking at me.

"Psycho do you know Knuckles real name?" I ask and I see Tools and Viking come in when they are looking at the weapon we are pulling out.

"No, But Wolf or Tools know it" Psycho say and I nod as I get my weapon in my hand.

"Fake or live"? I hear Asshole ask me and I'm looking at him.

"Live, We are not allowing those asshole to leave" I growl and I hear a car park outside.

"Excuse me, but can you tell me where I can find the scary mother fuckers kind of asshole and a fucking Pussy?" I hear a voice that no long ago was on my phone and I smirk.

"IN HERE TITS" I yell and I turn to see Duck-duck walk behind him, and Tits is hugging me.

"Want to tell my why the Fuck I go a warning that someone was in Phoenix?" Sugar Tits growl as he grab my neck and I look at him.

"Because Tiny is missing and this is the Third day, she is gone, they took her and removed the trackers we normally use," Asshole say and I turn to him.

"YOU KNEW" I growl and I get in his face and he look at me and I see Duck-duck growl, his accent is so heavy that he few words and we accept him for who he is.

"Yes I knew, Tiny didn't know all of it but she knew that Phoenix was active, but not what the project could do" Tits say and he looking at us.

"Duck" I hear Duck-duck say and I smile at him.

"Don't worry Duck-duck you will come with us" I tell him and I see that Viking is glaring at this African American, giant, sure everyone here is over 6 feet but this man is over 7 feet and he is broad-shoulder and he is pure muscles and he is a Dragonling, he is mine Dragonling, just like Psycho is Tiny's.

"Doon Doon" he ask and I smirk at him.

"Sure you will deal with that" I tell him and he nod as he step in the room.

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