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I'm looking at Viking as Tiny brothers is giving him more and more alcohol I really hope that they are not doing a really dragon dunk as they did when the Crazy squad left, I see that Bear have taken Tiny away and I'm not sure if Viking's going to be okay with them and I see Asswipe I think take seat next to me and I'm looking at him.

"You okay?" I ask and I see him looking at me and I can tell his worried.

"Yeah, I just need to stop thinking about what Your President told me" He say and I'm looking at him.

"Bear care for her, Trust me. He truly care for her" I tell him and he look at me.

"I know, but I hate to keep secrets" Asswipe say and I see Cunt come up.

"Don't worry Asswipe, You won't keep it for long, I need you do something for me" Cunt say and I don't know what's going on but I guess there is something they know that We don't know and I really wish them not to speak like this around me.

"What now?" Asswipe growl and he is not happy.

"You are going to see Papa, with him" Cunt say and he look up.

"You are shitting me, he talked Creator not long ago" Asswipe say and I see Cunt nod to him.

"Fine I will take him" Asswipe growl and I'm looking at them.

"I think I will hang around for this" Cunt say and I'm looking at him.

"you know that no one in the Club likes you" I tell him and he look at me with a smirk.

"It's a dragon way of life" he say and I frown at this.

"We are not like or loved, but we stand ready to defend those who can't" Asswipe say and I see them look at Viking who are laying against one of the men.

"Look's like Snowball is asleep" Cunt say and They get up and walk over to help Them to get the others to help Viking into bed, I'm looking at them as they leaving.

I shake my head and I see Knuckles sit down next to me and I see him looking at Cunt's back, and I know that no one in the club like Cunts and I see Knuckles looking at his hands.

"What's wrong Knuckles?" I ask and I see him look at me.

"Something is going on with Bear, and he is not really focus on the Club you know what's going on?" Knuckles ask and I shake my head.

"No only that Bear is talking to Cody and To Dragon father" I tell him and I see Knuckles look at me.

"Dragon voice" Knuckles say and I turn to look at him.

"What?" I ask and he looking at me.

"He haven't give her the Old lady tag yet?" Knuckles say and I nod.

"You think he is planning on making this more permanent than a Tattoo?" I ask and I'm looking at him and I see Knuckles looking at his new tattoo.

"Yeah I think so" Knuckles say and I see Skyla sitting with Wolf who are sleeping too.

"You know something?" *I ask and I see him shake his head.

"No not really, only that they are taking the Ember title even more serious than we take the Old Lady, Shelby told me somethings, about Ember, You know that Ink is about to Tattoo Shelby with her Old lady tattoo, but he can't really get it to work with her Ember tattoo" Knuckles say and I'm looking at him.

"Talk to one of the Dragons I think that they have ideas how to work with the Ember tattoo" I tell him and he nod as I see I think It's Monster coming out.

"Dragon" I call out and he turn around looking at us.

"Dragonlinger" he say and I nod.

"Sorry but, it's easier to call you all Dragon, as you call us Sasquatches" I tell him and he nod to me.

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