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I'm looking at The mother of the Dragon walking with the Doctor, I knew she was pregnant but not that pregnant and I know better to voice it. I'm now standing next a half-step behind Fucker this was my place when I was station oversea, and I know his hand-signals when he want something, but he hand me the Baton, I know not to question orders and if Fucker, Pussy or Asshole give me something and give the hand-signal that means do it, I will not question it, I will do it. I see the Sign that I have seen so many times oversea, I just raise the baton and press it against one of the Eggs and I know the pain that he will feel, this Egg scream, and I know not to show anything. I see Pussy is doing something to the baton and then he point at another, this is keep going until I have done each and every one of the Eggs, Once I'm done I see Pussy hold out his hand and I give him the baton.

"Sarge Grab the Sea Egg" I hear one of the Dragons say and I see Pussy and the others turning to our instructors.

"Come along Younglinger" Fucker say and I hear Sherman I think it's because he is the only one in a wheelchair, is yelling at the Eggs and I walking after Fucker and the other dragons with Sea egg next to me, He is not scored as me and I don't know why, and I don't dare to ask why.

We are walking into the building and We are told to get in a room, we are getting in the same room and I know that what ever is about to happen now is going to be bad, because Dragons have away of trying to break you, and I see the wood crates and then I feel someone behind me, this is something I learned back oversea to never have a Dragon behind me, sure in combat it okay, but never ever in any other time, you don't allow a Dragon behind you, I don't even think before I have moved and I have caught the Dragon behind me by surprised but this spark the Dragons reaction and I know I have not chance to defeat them at the same time, I can win against one of the dragon, if I have a field that I can run for, but I will not backdown I will stand my ground this is something Fucker told me early and I keep fighting, I will fight until I can't fight anymore, I'm sorry to say it don't take long before that they overpower me and they knock me out and they knocking me out good. When I wake up I know that I'm in the box, I know that they are trying to make me panic, so I do slow down my breath and I'm keeping breathing and I close my eyes, trying to keep calm, and I hear the banging from the a crate, I know that it's a waste of energy, I'm getting as comfortable as I can in the box and I then close my eyes and I start counting, I focus on my sister, my baby sister, I need to make my mind calm and I need to be ready for whatever will come after, this box, once The Thought's of my sister can't keep my calm I start counting slowly in my head, I keep doing this over and over again, once Counting is not working, I start humming on Cadence, they cadence that I was taught in the first Boot camp I went to, and I keep singing them in my head, I keep singing until I falling asleep, I wake up and I'm still in the box, I hear the screaming have started again and I trying just to keep calm, I know that Dragon was crazy and they live for Crazy, so I just need to stay calm this is one of the Crazy thing I have to get thru.

The time in the box is fun, I can't keep track of the time but then the explosions start, and the sound of bullets being shoot, and I know that this sound should freak me out but I sort calm down when I hear them, it's like a cadence that is getting my mind calm this is so easy to just calm down with the Chaos of war, I just pray that they will allow me to get out of the box soon, because I'm getting hungry and I really would like a bathroom break but I won't scream and I won't call out for help, I just waiting it out, I'm falling asleep once again, somewhere during my sleep I hear the sound of wood break and my eyes snap open and I see the box being open and a Bright light is shines into the box, and I can't really see what's going on right now, I trying to hide my face to make sure that I'm calm and not panic, I hear someone move outside of the box, Somehow I know not to move out of the box and I know that The Box is safe and that's when I'm hit with Ice cold water, and I trying to breath thru the pain of the Ice water, I feel my body start shaking as they flip the box over so that The opening is facing the Ceiling and I see them start to tip ice into the box and I know now that I'm going to be cold, and I take a deep breath as they tipping ice bucket after ice bucket, until there is a layer of ice in the box and I really want to get out of the box but my legs are sleeping and I feel them start to hammering on the box and I know that I need to move.

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