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I'm waking up every Two hour to take Skyla out I'm used for it from the Marine for the fire watch and I haven't got out of the habit, I'm making sure that Skyla don't make any bad mess in the house, and I start cooking breakfast and I hear Fucker, Pussy and Asshole are coming to the Kitchen and I'm smile at them as they sit down.

"I Got a text from Cody, the Truck is coming with in a week or so" Asshole say and I nod to him and I hear Bear coming since I know that Tools and Vikings are not here, I'm place a cup of Coffee, and a plate of breakfast and Bear come in and he smile.

"I talk with Wiz and he is happy to go with us, and Knuckles and Breaker want to go too" Bear say and I smile at him and I see him looking at the breakfast.

"Can you get another one to go with you it would be better to be Two on each list" Pussy call out and I see Bear looking at them.

"Trust us, if you are not use to the List you will get in trouble" Fucker tells him and he nod.

"Okay I will talk, but we are going to go as a group" Bear say and I smile at this because I know that we will split up because the Guy's would like to keep the list.

I do the sign to Fucker that we don't need one more just let Wiz and Bear team up, and Breaker and Knuckles, And leave me with my Notepad, and a phone, they could text me when they run into trouble.

"Yeah that Could work" Fucker say and I see Bear looking at us.

"She was telling us that is You guys team up, she can handle the list on her own, she need her notepad and her Phone and it would be fine" Pussy say to Bear and I see Bear eat the breakfast.

"SKYLA" I call out and my puppy come running and she crashed into the doorway and she give up a happy sound and I snap my fingers and she stay and she looking at me as I place the bowl on the place where I have always place it, and I wait until she is really calm before I place the bowl and I wait for a second before I give Skyla command to eat.

I'm smile as she eat slowly, I have always made her eat slowly or she would not get eaten. We are all getting our breakfast and Skyla finish her meal and I get my handwritten list, and I look at Fucker, Pussy and Asshole with the look anything new on the sugar list, and they shake their head.

"What was that?" Bear ask as he helping us clean up.

"She was asking if our Sugar list have changed but it haven't" Fucker say and I grab my notepad, and my old notes for the old shopping we did.

My brothers leave to be at the new house and make sure that delivery will come sometime today or tomorrow, I head to the Garage with Skyla and I see my brother Viking give me a hug, and then take the leash from me that Skyla is connected to.

"I take her for the Day, Bear said that you need to do shit for your other brothers and I'm happy that Cunt is not here" He say and he give me a hug and I'm smile.

I walk over to the office and I open up a word document and I start to write down the list what we need to have and I print three copy of the cloths list and Sugar list and I make sure that I have enough money for this. Dragons all put their money in an account for this.

"T, Are you ready to leave?" I hear Knuckles ask and I nod as I grab the list and I grab three Clip-board and I grab three red pen and I smile as I say goodbye to Skyla.

We are getting to the shop and I hand out the list and I turn to Wiz signing to him, that this list is what we need to buy, and It's best if they team up, and I will have my phone on me so just text me if something is wrong and you need to write on the top if you are taking Asshole or Pussy, because I will be shopping for fucker, as I always have shopped for my brother.

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