Jeramaine/ Snuggle-puff

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I can't believe that I have been here a months, I have been on mission with this Crew and they are crazy to say the least, my old squad would follow every order that the officer gave but this squad is not like that, The first mission I had with this squad, We were told that we need to clear a building, and that was it, and the squad just smirked and turned to me and asked How good I was with explosion, and I told them I was taught demolition both from my Uncle and in the Marine and this gave them the biggest fucking grin I have seen and they just walked me over to the armory and they just said Dragon mission and with that I had free access to any weapon and any explosion material I wanted, I could take as much as I need, and they pulled out what the said I need and told me to build bomb for them, I did what they told me to and I saw them doing something with music device and when we got on the mission they did a sweep of the house while one of them was guarding me as I was placing the bomb out and then when they came back told me to blow the house, I did as they asked but once we returned the Captain was yelling and They just smirked and told them that a lieutenant gave them order to clear the building, and he forgot to give them more instruction and I saw the face of the Lieutenant and he just told us to go, they just laugh their ass off, as we walk off, and I didn't tell anyone that I heard music playing during the mission. When I got back to hut 18 they throw a water bottle against me and I caught it and they told me I did good, and this was the point they asked me if anyone had told him about them, and when I said no. I got the explanation from them, and I almost laugh In their face when they have told me that they don't use real names so I better learn to answer to snuggle-puff, it was to keep my family safe from the bad stuff that will happen.

I left the Hut after that and I found my friend from basic and he gave me a chocolate bar and some smoke, he told me that he was given a shopping list from a girl that spoke just like Dawson, I remember Dawson, he was a hard motherfucker and I eat the chocolate.

"What would you do if you find yourself surrounded by the squad that Chad warned us about?" I ask and I remember Chad, told me never to piss off a Dragon and always show them respect.

"I was surrounded by them before we left, I didn't know it but They live in my home town, I froze up when I saw them, but they told me to not worry, they are just like us but they told to do but they are trained to do shit that no one else could handle but they have a lot of privileges too" Jimmy say as I'm looking at a few Army men coming over to us.

I don't listen to them as they start messing with us and Jimmy and I are trying to protect ourselves but they are too many. We should have been able to beat them but they are more thatn what Jimmy and I can handle, we are doing our best to fight back but some off them holding us and others are beating us and this is how Jimmy and I got our ass kicked and when they leave, I'm looking at Jimmy is having a bruised face and I feel my ribs hurt, and I don't want to report them.

"Don't say shit to anyone" I tell him and he nod.

"this is the third time I have been jumped, I have been trying to talk to my buddy's in my hut but they say they are not willing to help me" Jimmy say and I'm looking at him and I know I can't tell the Men in my hut for I won't get help.

I nod to Jimmy as I'm walking back to my hut and I don't see my buddy's in here but I see the door being kicked in, I freeze and I stand outside and I'm looking at the door and I can't move because someone broke in.

"Hey Snugglepuff what are you do" I hear one of them say and I hear the voice stop.

"Someone is going to died tonight" I hear the voice growl.

"Have you checked if anything was taken?" I hear second voice say and I shake my head.

"No I just got back from talking to Jim" I tell him and I see them walk straight in.

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