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I'm waking with my darling still sleeping on my chest, I feel her breathing is slowly and It's tells me that she is calm and she feel safe, I have learned her breathing telling me how safe she feel, and I run my hand thru her hair trying to keep her asleep, I know that she woke up after she fell asleep, I still feel ashamed that couldn't control myself and cum like a fucking teenage in his pants, but I didn't let that stop me to allow my love to cum too, it was her first real expertise with a man, and I'm not selfish in bed not when I truly love my partner, I'm looking at her sleeping and that's when I hear the phone ringing, I gently slip out of the bed and I answer the hotel phone.

"Bear" I answer and I know I'm not sound sleepy.

"Morning Sherman here, just call to say breakfast for the Dragon will be served in the same room that we hang out last night, You can go down to the Dinning hall if you want but Bitch have to eat with us" I hear Sherman say and I want to call him a fucking Radio.

"Why do My darling need to eat with you guys?" I ask and I'm looking at My love sleeping.

"Because she is keeping us in check, but let her sleep as long as she need" Sherman say before he hang up and I'm looking the phone and I put it down and I walk back to the bed and I see that My butterfly have rolled over to her back.

I walk slowly back to the bed and I smile as I crawl back in to the bed and I hover above her and I slowly place a kiss on her neck and I feel her move and I kiss her again.

"shave" I hear my love say and I know she is talking about my beard stubble and it's sort of scratchy her skin, and I'm gently kissing her neck and I'm slowly start sucking on her lower throat just above where her collarbone and I hear her moan.

"sleep well?" I ask her as I see her open her eyes and I see her nod as she looking up at me.

"One of your Brother called" I tell her and I see her frown.

"Sherman" I tell her and she nod as she pull me down to her a face and I start kissing her and she doing this as if to shut me up and I allow her to do this and I'm hoping that she don't think that I don't want her.

I'm allowing her to take the lead on this and I roll over to my back pulling her with me and so that she is straddling me, and I'm moving her hair out of the way of her face, I hear the banging on the door start and I hear her groan as she look at me and I sit up as she is about to pull away from me.

"Ignore that" I tell her and I caught her lips in a kiss a again, but she shake her head and she do the sign for dragons.

"Okay lets get dressed, Breakfast is down the all according to Sherman" I tell her and she nod as she get dressed and I'm getting dressed with her and I'm smiling at her as I see her get her hair up in that fucking bun.

"Love please not like that" I say and she point to her uniform and I nod to her.

"Okay it's part of your uniform?" I ask her and I see her nod as She put the hair in order.

"Are you ready?" I ask her when I have got dressed in my jeans and t-shirt and a hoody and I'm not having my Cut yet on I know it's in her truck and We are walking out of the room and down the hallway to the Room where We were last night, and I hear the sound of everyone start to wake up.

"Hey Ma" I hear a guy say and I don't think I have heard a name on him.

"Runt" he say and hold out his hand to me and I take it.

"Why do you do that?" I ask because I remember that Pussy did the same.

"We do it to get a reaction from everyone" I hear someone to my left and I look and I see it's Sherman.

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