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I know I fucked up with Tiny, she is the lady of the Club, I see her take her runs and I know her workout or at least where she is running and I made sure that Club Friends are keeping a eye on her as she training and I told them only to call me if there was trouble, I know that she is piss off at Viking and me, I know there is a way to make it okay and but I need my presidents permission to do that.

"BEAR" I call out and I see him turn to me and he walk up to me.

"What's up?" he ask and I see him looking at me as he come up.

"I need to speak to T, I know I fucked up, but I need to speak to her in privet" I tell him and I see him looking at me, and I know his not happy.

"Bear you remember my background" I tell him and this is something that I have kept from most off the club, but my family are travel people, that is a nice name but my family broke away from them, but I still have the belief from part of my life.

"Yes I know about that" Bear say and I nod as he looking at me and I take the out a box.

"I was planning on talking to her today and give her these" I tell him and I see him look at the box and he take it from me and I see him open it and It's a Three piece jewelry, Bracelet, Necklace and earing's that are all in the shape of a Dragon, and the earing is not hanging down it's climbing up her ear.

"I don't know if she is going to talk to you, but I will allow you to talk to her but I don't know if she will talk to you" Bear say and I smile at this and I'm take a seat waiting for Tiny to come back after her workout, I see her coming on to the yard again and I get up from my place and I walk over to her.

"T" I call out and I see her stop as she give Skyla the command to go inside and I see her looking at me.

"Can we speak" I ask her and she is looking at the Garage and then at me.

"I have talked to Bear, don't worry, he know I wish to speak to you" I tell her and she nod as I walking with her over to a place where I know that we will not be disturbed.

"I have a notepad here for you since I don't really get your language and I don't want any misunderstanding between us okay?" I ask and she nod as she looking at me.

"Good, Now I need to explain something to you to make sense for you, I come from a family that have been looked down upon for their history, but the thing is in this family is that the Mother is the matriarch, and I'm raised to look make sure that my sister are not meeting or speaking to Guys" I say and I see her write something.

Gypsies? I read the word and I hate it but from Tiny it don't sound like a insult and I nod and I see her write something more.

Okay, I frown and I take a deep breath.

"I haven't fallen back on the upbringing for years, but once Bear told us that you are his girl, means that you are Matriarch of the club, Meaning that you are to be protected" I tell him and I see her just look at me.

"Now this is the background, now for the reason why I disobeyed my President by sending someone check the road and follow you. Is very simple, I never ever again see you being capture or torture like Chaos did to you, I never want to hear the word that you have been taken, I never want to see you so beaten or broken" I tell her and I see her is looking straight in my eyes and I see that she stand taller when I stop speaking.

You have no idea what I'm trained to do, you have no idea, but I can understand, what you are saying because I saw it in your eyes, you hated what happen to me. You wished to protect me but couldn't because they would have killed you, or me. I understand, but You risked the Job of a Soldier, he could have been send to prison, and a black mark on his record meaning that he wouldn't be allowed to get promotion, or deployed. There is so much that he wouldn't be allowed to do if I hadn't cleared it up, What piss me off most was that no one texted me, I have no trouble with guard but I could have been denied access to the base because if the Guard, had seen that Guard I wouldn't been allowed on to the base because of This Club is a 1% Club, Creator and Father of the Dragon don't give a flying fuck, but the others Military branch do. Understand? I'm looking at the note that Tiny wrote to me and I read it and I can understand what Tiny is telling me.

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