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I look at the phone that I just hang up, with The tiniest Craziest Bitch you will ever meet. I know that I'm going to bring the Bikes that we had bought, during our Second year and after the first deployment, I know I should have been with my family once I found out that Phoenix was activated, I had alarm go off as soon as Tiny was taken, but I didn't do anything but send it to Tits because he was more free to do shit then me. I got the Bikes out of storage, and on to my truck and I take the Part for the Mustang, I know that No one off them drive one, so this is for someone else. I'm driving off to the Address that Fucker send to me, I was hoping that I would get there early morning but the Road is blocked so I check in the hotel, I saw the Mustang in the parking lot and man was that a nice one I did a Check on who owed it and I found out that it was a biker that live In the same town as my Sister, I start checking each biker and each name I come across, I have my laptop with me and I hacking the Hotel log, and I find the President have checked in at the same hotel as Me, I frown because the room he have checked into is a double room, and it's not a cheep one, so he is not alone. I didn't see any bikes outside, and I don't know what to think about this. I get a few hours rest, Then I go down stairs to check out and I hear the Elevator stop and I see the Black soul MC Cut, and I see that he pull someone over to a dark corner and I see the small, person I don't really pay attention to the Biker until I have checked out and so have they, I see the dragon leather jacket, and I do a step that will make my boots squeak and I see the Girl spina around and I see the face, it's my Sister, and I feel the anger coming, Some player have their hand on my sister, the Dragon that hold my heart, she may not be my Ember but she is My fire, She was my first love, but we were never involved because I didn't dare to rock the Relationship, of the Dragon's. I never told anyone of the Dragons or even our mother, about my feelings but I made sure she knew I care for her. I see the panic in her eyes, this tells me that she remember our old game, I smirk as I walk out just out of sight for her and I see them get in the mustang that belonged to another club member. I watch them drive away and I'm getting in my truck and I'm driving behind them and I know that Tiny is looking for me. She heard my boots and I know that she will tell him when to turn off, but I know where I'm heading so she is not fooling me. I drive up to the land where I know a home is being build, by Marine's.

"Can we help you?" I hear one of the Marine I did serve with during my Time with the Dragons.

"yes, can I park my truck here?" I ask and he smile at me.

"Adair, Shit it been years" he say as he give me a hug.

"it's been, don't tell anyone, I just need to see if I can surprised them" I tell him and he nod as he allow me to park my truck there.

I walk down the hill and I'm walking slowly and quite thru it and I come across the Clubhouse and I see the President the one that was with my sister is throwing the keys to the another member and I see him speak with others and I'm sitting there and I see Tiny's truck coming and I see the president stand close to her and she allow him to carry the heavy sack for her, that's not my sister, my sister never allow a man to help her and I see him place a few kiss on her, and I'm staying low to see if I can attack, I don't see it. I'm staying low this game have we played before and we all learn to take our time when we are the Hunter, The Prey are moving together and I need to find the weak-link and I will wait as long as I can. I'm following the bikers and I see that their back are not protected as they should be, I found the weak-link but I need to wait, following them on foot, to the house where I know that my sister and brothers are living, I get worried once I see the dog stuff and I stay close enough to hear that the dog is not going to be there until Two weeks, I relax as I'm moving quite and I see them eat dinner and I see one of the bikers getting ready to leave good, I'm going to take him as soon as he get out but he don't, Damn it! Tiny most have felt something, I looking at Fucker and the biker put my sister to bed and then I see him get in bed with her, I feel so fucking angry over that, How can they trust him like that, I wait until They both are asleep and I'm gently open the window and I get in the house, I smirk as I don't hear any alarm, and I walk over to the bed and I move Tiny's hair from her face she is sleeping peaceful and I bend down and I'm about to take her Trinity knot, but it's not there and I turn my eyes to the neck off the biker but he don't have it. What the fuck?! I know that the tracker is here, I did check it before I left, and if the biker don't have it, then who? I start walking thru the house, I check the second biker the one that owe the house and it's not there, I walk over to Fucker, than to Asshole and Pussy, Last I enter the third bikers bedroom and that's when I find the necklace, why would she let him have it, This was my first work, what make this biker more important then the one sharing her bed right now, I saw him kiss her, in away that only a lover would, but this one is important enough to her. I need to watch more, I slowly reach down and take the necklace from him. I slowly walk out off the house, leaving no trace that I have been there. I'm taking a seat in the bushes close by and I'm watching, as I see my fellow dragons leave early, they are moving together, and they are not alone, and I follow them and I find them walk into the Garage where I saw them yesterday, and I see them cleaning and this piss me off, Can't those bikers clean up after themselves. I see them get back to the house and I'm watching them making breakfast and I think Tiny is feeling me, she have looked at me more then once the last half-hour. I'm see them move to the Living-room and I can't move so I see what's going on but I'm holding the Trinity knot, I frown why haven't the biker said anything about it, I'm looking at the door open and I'm looking at The bikers leave together and I see the Dragons come out dressed in PT-Gear, that's good means that they are leaving the bikers alone for sometimes, I haven't see Psycho yet, but I'm going to have my fun, I see the President pull my little sister to him and kiss her both on her little cute nose, and then he kiss her lips, it's sweet and I get moving, I can't stay and watch this, I would jump them right then and there. I'm hurry up to get my truck and I drive it to the garage and I park it where everyone can see it and I'm happy that I'm there before the three bikers that was at the house where My sister is staying. I'm hiding behind my truck and I'm looking at them coming in and I can tell that one off them are looking at my truck but they are not paying attention to where I'm hiding and I'm looking at them walking against the Garage, Fucking amateurs. I'm staying low and I move quite and I move fast and I get up straight behind the President. I fell my blood start to burn with fire, a fight is coming, and he is fucking amateurs for not listen to my sister and just as he is about to enter the Garage I grab his hoody, rookie mistake never wear something someone can grip, and I pull him hard backwards and he slide over the tarmac and I see him looking at me as I start walking against him, now I have my prey, I know that It will be a quick fight. I see him look at me panic and I smirk even wider when I see that he is starting to get worried. I see it in his eyes, just as I'm stepping up to him I feel a rope around my neck and I get pulled backward and downward, meaning that it's Tiny that have the rope.

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