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I'm watching as Bear is walking with up with mama and I see that Asswipe glare after them and I see that Numbnutts is looking at me, but I can see anger in Asswipe eyes, he still hate Mama's Flame, and he is not going anywhere, and Asswipe is going to piss off Mama.

"Asswipe" I hear Numbnutts growl and I see Asswipe turn to his brother.

"What?" Asswipe say and I see Them staring at one and other, I know that they are talking.

"I'm going to call Mutt" I tell them and I see that They are nodding as I'm walking out to the fire.

I know that I need to have Mutt here so he could stop me from doing something I would regret, and I need another dragon here to make sure that they can keep Mama back if they piss her off, I sigh as I'm looking at my phone I can't believe that my family always was looking for me, But from what The Grandmother said they had the wrong name, and they only found the correct name, when I was in the Marines corps, and I went off the grid as soon as Mother of the Dragons, put me in the blooded nest, I check the clock and Mutt should be free now, I press Call on Mutt's number.

"What's up brother" I hear Mutt's voice and he sound happy.

"Hey Brother, I'm going to need you during this week, I'm going to ask them to come here, I want someone who can hold me back" I tell Mutt and I see that Asswipe come out of the house and I see him look piss off.

"You know that I'm coming over just tell me the day, and who do you want to help with Mama, Asswipe and Numbnutts should be enough" Mutt say and I see Asswipe start to split wood and I can tell that he is piss off.

"You haven't seen how Asswipe are with The flame of Mama" I tell him and I hear him sigh on the phone.

"Yeah I get Iron side and Monster" Mutt say and I smile at those, names, Iron side and Monster, are battle buddy's like Mutt and me, but also we are a team of four we always are work together.

"Yeah they would be able to help keep Mama from jumping them" I say and I hear him laugh.

"I can get Duck-duck to be in the background" Mutt call and I smile at this.

"So when do you want us and do you know what happen with T?" I hear Mutt ask and I know that he will tell the others.

"Have no idea, happen with mama, The Girls took her somewhere during the afternoon, but She only said that we have to wait a week. And I thinking about asking Mama tomorrow if they can come the day after tomorrow" I tell him and I hear him tell the others talking that are waiting for the news about mama.

"Call me tomorrow so we know I will fill in Iron side and Monster" Mutt say and I take a deep breath as he hang up.

This is what us dragons do we don't say goodbye we just hang up or disconnect the call, Fucker and Mama would be different, they would say sometimes stay safe, and it's one of the meaning I love you to us. I'm watching Asswipe working and I feel a blanket being placed around my shoulders.

"You know I like the cold" I say as I see Numbnutts sit down nest to me.

"Yeah I know that you are a crazy fucker, love the fucking cold but you looked like you were about to sleep and you know that Mama will have my head if I didn't put a blanket over you" Numbnutts say and I smile at him and his words.

"So who are coming?" Numbnutts ask and I smile at him.

"Iron side and Monster, with Duck-duck as a backup, he won't meet them unless one of us flip out, I am counting on Mama's Flame to keep her from jumping the table" I tell him and he start laughing.

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