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I'm so proud of my little sister since she made each of the shoot, during in competition, and I know that she went back to one of the first mission that got to do and it wasn't our Squad, that was in trouble, it was a Navy SEAL Squad that was in trouble and We had to run up in a building and Tiny made that lucky shoot, to the Sniper that had them pin down and They came up to us when they had done their debriefing and told us that we are brothers, and they asked who took the shoot and we just look at Tiny and told them Mother Dragon and they nodded as they place a hand on her shoulder telling her that she was their sister, and if we ever need help we only need to call upon them and they will help us no matter what. We never need to use that, but they became our closes friends, We haven't seen them in a while but We know that they are there if we need them. I was sitting next to Tiny when Viking was asking if he could borrow her truck and I told him just air it out and after that I had to explain that it was something that we always told Pussy because he fucked any girl in a car, this got a laugh from the Club and I see the old men looking at us with a smile. I keep my eyes at the President of the club and I was really surprised that Tiny allowed him to carry her weapon, because We all are really careful about people touch our weapon, but If I know my sister I know something going on that we can't see.

"Fucker" I hear Pussy call and I turn my head to him and I see him tilt his head to the door.

"We got company" he whisper and I know that he don't want Tiny to hear this, but Her head snap up and she looking at him.

"Fuck" he say and I see her looking at him and I see Asshole standing in the door and I know something is wrong and Tiny and I are walking against the door and I see that Viking is on his feet too so he walk out behind us.

"THERE SHE IS" I hear someone call out as we step out of the club house.

Tiny stop as she see them, Two of our Platoon brothers, She haven't seen them since she was shipped home, and I see them come over and they are walking up to her and hug her hard and she allow them and I see them kiss her head and she smiling at them.

"Hey Bitch good to see you" I hear them say and she give their sign and I see that a few of the men coming out and I didn't see Viking move but I do see him grab Tiny by her shoulder and pull her back to his side and I see him standing more tall and I see the Piss off look in his eyes and I see our Brothers in arms look at the man.

"Jesus Shit bitch you work fast" Second one call out and Duck-Duck is standing behind him and Growl and I see him turn around.

"Duck-Duck, miss you buddy" they call out and I see Viking looking at them.

"Duck" He say and I see Viking looking at us as if We are crazy for that is what Duck-Duck like to say, and it means everything to anything.

"As eloquent as ever Duck-Duck, Thought you would have learned more than one word by now" One of them say and I know that this is going to be a fight.

"DUCK" he growl and he look piss off and I see Viking holing Tiny close to him and I see Tiny just smirking.

"What is he saying?" I hear a voice behind me and I don't answer.

"Duck-Duck you have to admit that she have worked fast, don't you see how close they are?" They are talking and I see Viking eyes grow darker and I'm see him look more piss off, and I can see that Tiny just smirk at this.

"Duck" he growl and I see them frown at this and I know that meant look at them and I see the Platoon buddy, really looking at Tiny and Viking.

"Oh Shit, I think we just fucked up, brother" the second one of them say as they see Tiny smirking at them and Viking is looking piss off.

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