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I'm looking at Viking leaving and I walk into my room and I pull out my black plastic box that I have under my bed and I smile as I open it and I know I shouldn't have this, but every Dragon or a Dragonling will have this black box, it's our weapon, I'm getting them out and I send a text to Andersson asking for a shooting Range, I need to keep my shooting going and I start to clean them and I make sure that I can do my training and I'm happy that Tools and Viking are both there to talk to me as if I can talk. I grab my PT Gear and I get my boots on my feet and I take a gun and I place my K-bar in the Boots and I take off running down the street and I know that I would run for a few hours because this is something I need to do, to clear my head and Running and I will work my ass off.

"You okay?" I hear a voice say as I'm laying on my back and I breathing heavy and I open my eyes to see a lady looking at me, and I nod to her.

"Sure?" she ask and I nod as I'm roll over and I start doing my pushup and she is standing next my as I'm doing my workout.

"Do you want a something to drink" she ask and I take up the notepad that I have in my boots.

'do you have a some water?' I write and I show her it and she smile as she handing me a bottle of water.

"You most be Tiny, Kicker told me about you, I'm Samantha, but I go by the Sam most of the time," she say and I nod to her and she shake my hand.

"You want me to give you a Ride back to Tools home?" she ask when I have drinking at the water and I shake my head.

'No I'm doing my workout' I show her the note and then I get to my feat and I'm take off running again.

I'm getting back to the house and I unlock the door and I get inside and I know it's time for dinner and I know that I miss my brother's in the Marine's I know that they will come when they are back in the State but I know it will take some time before they get here. I'm locking the door and I see that no one is home and I walk into my room and I start to put my weapon back together and then I pack them back into the Black box and I put it back under the bed and I know that if the Cops come here they grab me and Tools and I will need to find one of the few Dragonling that have left the Marine life, The one I know I should trust with my life is my little Dragonling, Psycho, I trained him to become as mean as me and as crazy as me, there is a reason he is called, Psycho, because I made him that way, I was with him when he lost his brothers and he told me that he was leaving and I hug him, I told him never stop believing In himself and I told him I would text him and I have been here for almost three weeks and I have got use to it and I know I need to do that tonight, I grab my shower kit and I walk downstairs and I get a quick shower, I haven't got use to the Civil life, I'm still cleaning like I was in the Marine, I hate this "Hurry up and Wait" Stuff and I remember something That I read, about the Marines, and I can agree with it, We have the Filthiest minds and hell yeah, we do but and we have high morale and low morals we would do what we need to do, My dragon's are worst, I may be just a Corporal rank, but Hell I would do anything for my Dragon's and Dragonling. I have cleaned the shower and I have send off a text to Psycho, just so he know that I'm okay and that I'm alive. I don't see Tools coming home so I write a note to Tools and I tell him where I have gone if he come home before me, and have my hair down as I jump into my truck and I drive to the bar where I was a few days ago and I see that the same bartender is behind, and he place a beer in-front of me with a Strawberry daiquiri, and I look up at him with a question in my face.

"He told me when you return to make sure that you got this" he tells me and I shake my head. I taste the drink and I don't really like it.

I do a sign for whisky to get this shitty taste out of my mouth, sure The Daiquiri taste good but it's not my taste of drink and he laugh and I sign to him that if my mystery friend come in again to give him a blue Hawaiian and Sea Breeze after that and end it with a Angel face. He start laughing at me, as I pay for the Three drink and I get my whiskey and a beer and it's a slow night and I hear the sound of a bike coming and I raise my eyebrow and he nod.

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