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I'm looking at Breaker and Viking it was supposed to be a easy job and somehow Viking end up getting shoot, and I told them to get to my place and As we start to try to calm Viking down and get the Bullet out, we all three see Tiny standing there in a to big T-shirt and I think she has some shorts on but the T-shirt is too long for us to see and I see her leave

"oh Shit" I mumble and I see the panic in the others eyes, I had forgot about my house guest, Tiny don't make a sound and she never ask for anything, she hasn't yet made a sound, and I see Breaker look at me.

"If she talks I'm killing her" I hear him say in a low voice and I hear Viking snort.

We both know that that Girl don't speak and I see her come back with a black box and she place it on the table and then she place a bullet and a Knife and she point at Viking's shoulder and then at the two objects that she has placed on the table and Raise a eyebrow at us, It take a second before Viking answer her and she nod as she gently take off his Cut and place it with respect on the table, I know that when ever she is touching it she give it respect but the she force the T-shirt of Viking that don't get respect, I see her open the box and she push Viking's legs apart so she stand between them and she get to work and I hear him ask if she know what she doing and she show a scar on her waist and then go back to work on him and she get the wound even stitched up and she then she tell him to stay the night and I know that he will leave and Tiny is not having any off it and she I know that Tiny is stubbornness, but I wonder who will win between them, because Viking is as stubbornness as Tiny. Viking give in after reading her note and I see him smirk as he walk after her and he haven't put his t-shirt back on and then he drop his pants and Boxer as if trying to scare Tiny and she just raise her eyebrow and I read the Note that She have Viking 'Well you are a little bigger then Tools but I have lived with a Fucker, a Asshole and a Fucking Pussy, that are ten times worst then you, so if you trying to scare me, don't try for you got nothing on them' I didn't know she had got that good look at my Dick, but hell she have thrown out a lot of the Whores from the house. I'm looking at Viking getting in the sofa and I see him looking at me.

"She seem not to care" Viking say and I see Breaker leaving and I see him shake his head.

"You better to make sure that she keep her mouth shut about this" Breaker say and he leave and I see Tiny take her kit and leave for her room.

"I'm going to bed, Viking call if you need me" I tell him and I leave my door open so that Tiny know I'm sleeping and it have become a unspoken rule, between us, When I'm not at home my door is closed and when I'm home and I'm sleeping my door is open so she know that I'm there.

I wake up to smell of coffee, this have been something that I have got use to and I see that Viking have a white rag over his forehead and I see her turning around and nod to me and give my the Cup of coffee and she pour a second cup and she walk out to the Living Room and She gently shake him and I see from the kitchen door when Viking wake up and she hold out the cup to him.

"Breakfast will be done soon" I tell him and he look at me.

"Thank you" Viking say and I see him sit up and I see that she is checking his wound and she don't even ask if she can she just do.

"I'm fine" Viking say and she get up and start making breakfast and I see that Viking get up and pull his jeans up and I see him looking for his t-shirt and he can't find it.

"T where is his T-shirt?" I ask and she look at us and she doing a sign that I know is for washing machine, and I nod to her and she leave the Kitchen and come back with another Marine corps t-shirt and give it to him and Viking get it on, and she write something and give it to him.

"Yes you will get it back when I get my T-shirt back" Viking say and I take my seat and Viking is doing the same, and we are eating the breakfast that T cooked, and I can tell that she is tired.

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