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I open my eyes and I frown, it's bright, This feel wrong, So fucking wrong, I don't like it, I have learned during my time here is that if something feels wrong you are about to get smoked as hell, I roll out of my rack and I see that the Squad-bay is empty, I don't like this and I'm know I fucked because no one is here, I'm getting dressed as fast as I can and I swallow as I leave the Squad-bay I know that this is one thing I'm not allowed to leave the Squad-bay alone but I'm alone right now. I have learned quickly here that if it's Quite here then something is wrong, and I know that something wrong and I take a deep breath as I'm walking out of the mess hall, I'm looking everywhere trying to find the squad that I was assigned to, I get into the mess hall and one of the men that have been serving the meal here smile at me.

"Morning snowball, Hungry?" he ask and I bite my tongue at this. I don't like them calling me snowball, but If I wanted to make my little sister proud.

"Yeah, You know where my Squad is?" I ask as I get my breakfast and he look at me with a half smirk.

"No not really, Didn't the wake you up?" He ask and I shake my head and I get my breakfast.

"Eyes open, Snowball" he say and I take my tray and I sit down to eat.

I miss my brothers and I miss my bike and I sort of missing my sister too and her brothers even if most of them. My Body have got over the pain and I start to understand why my sister train so much, because this is something that have become normally for me.

"SNOWBALL" I hear someone yell and I fly up and I turn around to see on of the trainer, I think it's Joe, I don't answer, I know that he is piss off.

"WHY ARE YOU NOT IN THE HANGAR" He scream at me and I'm not looking at him, I know he will just keep yelling like this.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR GET GOING" He scream and I take off running and I leave with out finish my breakfast.

I running to the Hangar that have been the Training for hand-to-hand combat and also the Cleaning and Storage of the weapon that we use, I come to stop to just at the door to see another trainer but not Squad.

"SNOWBALL" I hear him scream and I know I'm in for it now.

They yelling at me and they make me run all over the fucking training ground, and I run wherever they want me to go and I'm not carrying why they are doing this but I'm doing what they are yelling at me to do and I'm do what I have been trained do, I just response. I'm running from one corner of the Base to the other and I keep doing this over and over again and I start to feel lightheaded because they are not allowing me to drink as I keep drinking. I see the Squad are all lineup, as I'm running and I see some of them whisper but I don't pay attention to It. I have learned that these men will bet on everything and anything. I keep running and I think this exercise is pointless, and I skid to a stop in-front of another trainer like I was told and he throw me a bottle.

"Drink Snowball," he say and I drink and I swallow as much water as I can. I know that if I drink to much, I will throw up, the Dragons taught me to drink the right way.

"Give it back" he say and I know I'm off to another place.

I really want to throw up but I'm not going to throw up and I'm finding the next officer and I keep get yelled at, I know I'm burning thru the energy quickly, and I get told to report to the hangar again. I have been there only twice and I see the squad that I worked with stand outside and I run as quickly as I can, I see them have line up inside of the Hangar and I come to stop and I see the three Buzz, Skip and Joe stand there and I come to stop in-front of them and I wait to get yelled but I stand in-front of him when I hear something get dropped behind me, and I know something is about to get down.

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