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I have been watching Runt during the time that His Blood Family was here, I was making sure that they were honest to My Hatchling, To my little Dragonlinger, I saw the honesty in their eyes, but the reaction that made me believe that their honesty about they were looking for Runt was the Little girl, she ran to Runt like I have seen others siblings run to their older siblings, I'm holding Runt close to me as I feel his tears running down my neck and I feel a arm around me and I look up to see that Bear have come in here and I see that he is placing a hand on Runt too.

"I'm here" Bear whisper and I feel good that he would follow us but he would also show respect to the Rank I have with my Dragons, he show that he want to take them under his wing and I nod my head against door and Bear nod as he leave, I would never allow him to see the Red eyes of my Dragon.

"Thank you" I hear Runt say loud enough for Bear to hear and I see Bear raise a eyebrow, and I nod telling him to answer my hatchling, my little dragon.

"You are welcome, I'm here for you if you need me" Bear say as he close the door behind him and I pull Runt's face out from my neck.

"Thank you mama" Runt say and I see him look at me with a smile his eyes are red from Crying and I can tell his sad.

"You" I say and he nod He know what I'm going to say.

"Did you feel this when you left your family?" Runt ask and I half nod and half shake.

"Betray" I say and I pat his heart and I see him look at me and then at my hand that I hold over his heart.

"Yes I always felt betray that I was left like that" Runt say and I nod to him and I see him watching me as I hold my hand on his chest and he place his hand over mine.

"Yes Mama, I will open my heart, but I will not chance who I am" Runt tells me and I nod to him and I do the dragon sign or rather Dragon fire.

"Yes Mama" he say and he know I tell him to keep the Dragon fire burning, I see Runt study me closely.

"BEAR" I hear Runt call out and I feel Runt's hand grip around my arms and I frown why would Runt yell for Bear.

"What?" I hear Bears voice come back into the room.

"In my room there is a purple box, can you get it for me" Runt ask Bear and he nod as Runt hold me hard but he is leading me to the kitchen.

"Mutt, I need you to get the sugar mix we use when we are low" Runt call out and I see them all jump up and they are doing something and I see Bear come with the Purple box.

"I need you to hold her arms so I can Check her blood sugar" Runt say and I feel Bear sit behind me and hold me to his chest.

"You think she have low blood sugar?" Bear ask and I feel the sting from the needle so he draw blood, to check it.

"I'm not sure but she is pale again" Runt say as he check the reading.

"It's a little low, Mutt just a one two" Runt say and I see Mutt come back with a drinking bottle.

"Bottoms up" Mutt say and I hate this shakes, but I know that Monster and Iron side will force me to drink it, I know that I have to drink, I drink that shake and We all hate them but We know to drink them once they are handed to us.

"Hate" I snarl as I hold out the empty bottle to him.

"Yeah We all do" Iron side say as Mutt take the bottle.

"What was that?" Bear ask and I see Them look at me and I nod.

"It's a shake that is to help replace Vitamins, Salt and sugar, other thing the body need, depending on the how low blood sugar we have, The Military Doctors made this recipe for this shake, to give us during Hell-week" Monster say and I see that Wolf understand.

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