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I'm looking at my brother leave with his girl and I know that Knuckles are still here and I'm walking over to him and I hope that Bear will make Tiny understand the Club rules, I know that I need to see Tiny she became like a Niece to me while she was living with me and I'm checking that I have done every car I should have done and I'm walking over to my bike.

"Tools where are you going?" Ink is calling from the Garage.

"I'm going up the hill" I tell him and everyone know that Tiny live up the hill. everyone around the Club say that we are going up the Hill when we are going to Tiny's house.

"Give her our love" Hawk calling and I see Psycho coming back to the Garage he is not talking to Viking and he keeping his distance from Viking.

I'm driving off and I smile as I'm driving up the hill and I haven't seen Bears bike and I hope that They are home and I see the house and I see a few window are light up and I see the bike is parked and I smile as I park my bike next to Bears bike and I walk up the drive way and I love this house Tiny made sure that we had a save place to learn to shoot and we also have a First lady of the Club, since Wolf's Old lady died five years ago, I walk over to the door and I ring the door bell, sure I have a key, but I don't want to let myself into her house, Tiny is after all the Queen of The Club, and she need to be treated with respect, I hear Skyla talking from the inside of the door and I ring the doorbell again and I hope I'm not waking them up or disturbing them, and I see the door open and It's Tiny.

"Hey Niece" I say and I see her smile as she open the door I see her dressed in her biggest t-shirt and sweatpants on and she look worried.

"Can I come in?" I ask and she nod and allow me to step in and I smell food.

"Come in" she say and I smile as she close the door and I walking in the house and I see Skyla is pushing her body up against me and greeting me as we are walking into the house and I see Bear seating the table.

"Hey Tools" Bear say and I see Tiny pull out another plate and glass.

"You don't need to seat a plate for me" I tell her and she glare at me.

"Don't even bother Tools you know Tiny's rules, so take a seat" Bear say and I see Tiny smile as we are sitting down and I smile at this.

"Thank you both of you" I tell her and Bear and I see Her take a seat.

"I'm just here to check in on Tiny after what happen with the Girl and what happen after with Knuckles and Vikings" I tell her and I see Her jaw set as I'm speaking.

"Tools no" I hear Bear growl and I hold up a hand.

"Did you speak to Nanette?" I ask and I see him looking at me.

"Why did you ask?" Bear growl as I see Tiny place the food on the table.

"Because she raised a question that We may not have think about" I tell him and I see Tiny tilt her head and I know that it's her way of asking what I'm talking about.

"The rules of the Club, I know that each of the Couple have rules but the standard rules" I tell Bear and I see Tiny frown but I see him nod.

"We haven't thought of the Standard Rules because Tiny act like she have lived this life" I tell him and I see Tiny place the beers on the table and we are eating the food, and I see Bear smile as he place a kiss on Tiny's hand as we are eating, and I see her raise a eyebrow and it's slow and clear she is asking what we talking about.

"You are asking what the Rules, that we haven't told you about?" I ask and I see her nod.

"Well the main rule you obey without trouble and that is not talking to Cops" Bear say and I see her nod and I see her right down something.

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