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I'm looking at my Brothers as they are closing the shop down and I still haven't order anything yet and I'm looking at my phone and I have found two panties that I would love to see my darling in but I have found a set of panties and bra but she told me I couldn't buy more then two panties or a set of bra and panties, so I'm flipping between them, and I see Knuckles and Breaker come up to me.

"What's going on Bear?" I hear Breaker say and I'm looking at them.

"I'm got My little butterfly to agree to allow me to buy some more feminine underwear, but I'm only allowed to by more than two panties or a set" I tell him and I see them look at me.

"Well I would pick the set" I hear Breaker say and I know that I need to get my girl to accept use this set, I nod to them and I smile as I click the buy button and I'm hope that she will love the color.

I'm looking at my girl as she come walking with her phone, I can tell she is talking to her brothers and she come up to us and I pull her into my lap and I see Fucker, Asshole and Pussy and Fucker holding a plushy Pokémon, and it's pink and it's look cuddly, and I see it's getting dark where they are.

"Hey Bear, you looking after Mother?" I hear Fucker ask and I smile.

"Yeah I taking care of her, you are taking care each other?" I ask and he nod as I see he have something on his face.

"It's nothing Bear, someone touch a dragonling, we just made sure that they know not to touch a dragon or break in the Hut and Sarge took care of the stuff they stolen was given to back" He say and I making sure that my love is sitting comfteble in my lap and I start kissing her neck.

"What do you mean Sis?" I hear Asshole say and I see her do the sign again and I sigh as see My darling talk to Asshole.

"Well I don't blame the Dick-Whore, She was a great fuck, you find that Whore you remind her to stay away from Dragon, Dragonling and family" Asshole say and I turn them out after that and I start kissing my darlings neck.

I making sure that I never hold my darlings arms as she is on the Video call with her brothers but her neck and hair, I kissing and touching her and I hear Knuckles is trying to stiffen his laughing because I don't give a fuck where we are, my darling deserve to be showered with kisses and love and I will not be shy in showing her this, I see her hang up and I know that I have been rubbing my unshaved cheek against her neck and it leaved a few mark on her skin and I know my kissing leave light bruise on her skin. I feel her start moving in my lap and I can feel myself start stiff up and I know she is not ready for that step so I gently move her in my lap so she wouldn't feel my body reaction to her. I see her face me and stop me from attacking her neck.

"Everything okay with your brothers?" I ask and she nod and I see her looking at the Garage and Club house and I see that she is worried.

"Don't worry, I will make sure Skyla make it home, Hawk will not steal her for the night" Knuckles say as he get up and I smile at my girl.

"T..tha..Thank you" I hear my love say and she get better in her speech problem and we are getting use to her way of speaking and I kiss her as she stand up from my lap and she hold out her hand to me and I smile at her.

"Want to get home?" I ask and she nod and then she is looking at my brothers.

"They will call me if the need me" I tell her and she nod and I see Knuckles smile.

"I will get Skyla home to you later" he say as I walking against my bike.

"Knuckles take her truck, so you can drive Skyla in up to the house" I tell him and I see her pull something off the keys for the truck and she throw it to Knuckles.

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