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I'm get to the fire range where Wolf is waiting and I see him smile at as I get out of the truck and Skyla is now with me and she is following me, I remember that they are doing the filing out their papers today, and I wonder how many of them who did sign the oath, I know that Psycho did sign the oath, and he got shoot, we are going to use rock-salt or maybe real bullets, We never know what bullets the weapon contain, I carry my weapon box, and Wolf take the box from me and we are walking to our favorite place here and Skyla is walking with us, she have become use to the noise of the rifle and she just lay down and take a nap while Wolf and me are shooting, this is our time together.

"Are you okay Little Buddy?" Wolf ask and I look over to him and I nod as I reload my Rifle, as I'm doing this and it's feels like the ring slip around my finger, I keep stopping loading my rifle to make sure that the ring is still on my finger.

"You are not use to wear rings?" Wolf ask and I shake my head, and I see Wolf check my hand.

"it's just the feeling of it slippering, it may spin around, You may want to have it re-sizes so it's tighter on you" Wolf say and I'm looking at the ring.

"Think you do what ? it lose or it destroy to wish don't, Home it leave should I think you do or uniform in I'm when neck my around it wear will I" I tell Wolf and I see him looking at me and I can see him thinking about what I just said.

"You should talk to my son before you leave your ring home" Wolf say and I nod as I'm going back to load my rifle.

We don't say anything as we shoot another round, I see Wolf shoot and I shoot too, I know that We dragons are going with the Eggs for the first air drop within a week and I see Wolf looking at me as I shoot.

"Something you need to do this week?" Wolf say and I nod and I point to the Sky and allow my hand swing back and forward as I lower it to the ground hope that he understand what I'm saying.

"You are going parashooting?" Wolf ask and I nod as I hear Wolf start laughing.

"Please tell me that you will Video tape it" Wolf say and I shake my head.

"Little buddy please I will pay good money, to see Viking jump out of a plane" Wolf say and I look at him.

"sthgieh fo dirafa egg blood?" I ask and I see him look at me.

"Sthgieh?" Wolf say and I raise my hand to the sky.

"heights?" he ask and I nod and Wolf smirk.

"yeah, he hate heights, He refuse to go out on a balcony once we were in Las Vegas, we had rooms on the top floor" Wolf tells me, I'm looking at him.

I feel my a grin start to creep up on my face and I feel the devil, that every Dragon embrace whisper in my ear, and I know that I shouldn't do it but the Devil tells me to do it, to make sure that Viking never underestimate me again. I close my eyes as I hear the Devil tell me to not do tandem jump with Viking, like we should do, but that sound more fun to hook them up in-front of us dragons push them out, I know that everyone have jump training but Blood egg. I have to get Creator to agree with it.

"Maybe" I tell Wolf as we go back to shooting.

We have been shooting for another half-hour before Wolf tells me we better get back to the Garage so we pack up our Rifles and I call Skyla to walk with me, I remember that she has not been trained to jump, I train her for that, I have trained her to be strapped to my chest, but jumping with parashoot, I have to train her for that, Skyla jump in the truck with me and I'm driving back to the Garage, I still have the Devil on my shoulder, whispering about shit to do with Viking, to make him do shit he is afraid off, just to piss him off. I know that every time he disobey a dragon or a Instructor, he will lose points. I know that this is evil, Everyone else would have a Angel on the other shoulder but not us Dragons, We have embraces the devil and the Evil side of us.

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