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I'm driving behind the Truck where my sister is laying in the bed, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what she did to the girl, but at the same time from what Knuckles said that she didn't even show fear and she made sure he knew that it wasn't his fault, When she drop the Candle straight in the gasoline were she was standing, Fucker or Asshole was the one that fire extinguisher ready and I couldn't believe that my sister would do something like that, when we got back to the Club house, Bear was talking to Tiny and I see them talk and I see that Psycho is stopping Bear from saying something and I see them leave and I really want to leave with them but I know that Bear will call us to the table.

"Viking you know it's not your fault that she got caught in this" Tools say and I look at him.

"She is my sister and I should protect her" I growl and I see Knuckles standing next to me.

"She wasn't taken because she is your sister, she was taken because She is a old lady" Knuckles say and I turn to him, I didn't knew that she and Bear was together, I made it clear to him, if by any chance he was going to Date or touch my sister she better be the only girl in his life, and I want to know before they are going to date, and Bear haven't yet told me that he have taken a step to make her his old lady.

"WHAT" I Growl and I see Bear freeze up as I'm turning to him and I feel them hold me back.

"Viking, Listen when they called her that she just raise a eyebrow" Knuckles say and I see Psycho coming to us and I see them looking at us.

"She didn't know what they called her, to her it was all bullshit" Psycho say and I see Bear looking at me.

"Let me have a word with Viking, alone" Bear say and I see him telling everyone to leave us alone and I see the Club leave and he lead me over to the ring.

"Listen" Bear say and I hit him square in the jaw line and I see him looking at me as I have hit him.

"I told you" I growl at him and I see him take a deep breath.

"I know, I haven't touch your sister, I have tried for months to get to know her to get her to trust me, The meeting at Jackson's is my way of getting to know her, I was hoping that she would know me well enough now that I don't lie" Bear growl at me and I see him looking at me and I get in his face.

"My sister is not a plaything" I Growl and he look at me and I know I shouldn't speak to him like this but I'm so fucking piss off at him. Bear is the reason my sister is hurt and she means more to me than anything else right now.

"I know" Bear growl back and we are standing face to face, and I can see that he is piss off at me for this.

"You promise me that you would respect my sisters wishes, you said that you wouldn't" I growl at him and I see his eyes turn darker and I know that he is piss off but I will fight him if I have to, My sisters honor demand that much, she deserve everything.

"I have keep my promise, I haven't spoken to her, before today about that, and she didn't' even react to the words. No until Psycho said Ember, and then he stop me from speaking more" Bear growl and I looking at him.

"Bear Viking we have some intel" I hear Wiz calling and I looking at Bear and I know that Bear is walking away from this right now, but I'm not willing to let him walk away from this.

"We are not done" I growl at him and he turn around and look at me and he know that I'm still piss off with him.

"No but this need to be sorted too" He say and I see him walk into the Club house and I walk with him and I grab a beer as I'm getting in to the Chapel and sit down and I listen to Wiz.

There is not much that Wiz can tell us, more then their names, and their ranks, it seems that Dragons got the Cuts off a few of the men, and I'm surprised that they did that, because when we left the house Fucker order the house to be blown up and burned down to the Ground. The way they did it told me that they had done this more then once, We are talking about how to get more info.

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