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I'm looking at Tiny leaving the Garage but something is off, I saw it in her eyes but I shrug it off since I know that her brothers left today and I see Bear say something to her and she shrug and we are going back to work and Wolf ask where Skyla is and I tell him that she is with Tiny and they are nodding and I see Viking go to work.

"Hey have T, been here?" I hear Tools call out and we are closing down.

"No she when to the house, I think she need some time alone" Viking say and I see them nodding.

We are heading to the club house and we are stacking up the bar, I still can't believe that they drank the bar Clear and I'm smiling, as I'm getting the whiskey, Bear was made us always have five extra bottle of the Whiskey since he meet Tiny at the bar, and The other liquor we have a had a few bottles of and then we are getting the Beer back on the tap, and the bottle beer.

"Well I hope that Tiny will be here on party?" I hear Ink ask because he was one of the one that she outdrank him at shots.

"Bear why are you not with your girl?" Hawk ask as Bear his helping us.

"We have a new trouble, We got some Club taking over Chaos Mc place" Bear say and we groan its' never good when a new club pop up and we are looking at him.

"Can't we work out a deal with them?" Kicker ask and I nod to this.

"Maybe, We just need to know more about them" Bear say and I see Wiz is looking at me.

"I will try" Wiz say and I see him look at Bear.

"I will see if I can talk to someone of them" I tell him and he nod.

We have tried to buy the land that belonged to Chaos MC but it was already bought by someone else, I take my bike and I drive off to see that a new club house is put up and it's look's like a crew that is on the same side of the law as us and I see a girl walk out of the club house I can tell she is one of those girls that want to have a property patch, I don't see anyone and I'm driving back to the club house. I didn't see that many bikes parked, I get back in the middle of the night to the Club house, and I see Bears bike, parked next to Vikings and I walk in to see them sitting and talking and I can tell they are talking about something that happen today.

"Can't believe they said that to her" I hear Viking say as I sit down.

"What did the crazy one say now?" I ask and I see Bear look up at me.

"Well Fucker was nice telling her to feed Skyla and bring her when she ship out, but Asshole said something about not do anything he wouldn't do, and she answer that then everything was okay since there is nothing that he wouldn't do, but Pussy called out to her that she better not end up pregnant" Viking say as Bear growl at this and I feel my jaw drop at this.

"They did what?" I ask and I see them nod.

"Yeah they did" Bear growl and I see Viking looking at him.

"I think it was more than just word, I think its their way of saying goodbye" Viking say and I can tell that Bear is not happy.

"You don't say goodbye to a soldier" I hear Wolf say and We turn to him.

"what?" I say and I turn to Wolf as he sit down next to us.

"When a soldier is going on deployment, you are not saying goodbye, you say see you later, you never say goodbye for that is final, it's just something every one that have been on deployment do, and what they said, I think it means something else to her" Wolf say and I see Bear looking at his phone.

"What's wrong son?" Wolf ask and he look up.

"I send a text to Tiny asking if she was awake and wanted me to join her for the night, I haven't heard anything from her since She picked up Skyla" Bear say and I know he wanted to get home to Tiny.

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