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I'm looking at my brother as we park our bikes outside of the Club house and I see my darling standing with her brothers, and I can see that everyone of the Dragons are standing there, and I frown because of what they have behind them.

"Please don't tell me I have to go back right now" Viking say and they shake their head.

"No not yet, the Trainers are getting the place ready, it will take a month, come one lets eat" One of them say and I see that Cunt is here and I have been trying to get a meeting with him for weeks and I walk over to my darling and give her a kiss, I hear Viking growl and I feel a note in my hand.

Hope you don't plan to have Viking functional tomorrow, Dragon dunk, Dragon Dunk celebration, We need to see what type of drunk skunk he is

I read the note and I nod to her as I'm looking at Cunt glaring at me, and I know that he is piss of at me, I think Asshole or Numbnutts have talked to him or if it's their Papa or Creator have talked to Him and I hold my hummingbird next to my side as we are getting the food and I know I need to speak to Cunt.

"Hummingbird?" I say making my voice sound more like a Question. And she turn looking at me.

"I need to talk to one of your Brothers you think he will talk to me?" I ask and I see her frown and tilt her head, I know that she ask which brother.

"Cunt" I say and I see her turn to Cunt that is standing on the other side of the yard and I see My love make a face to Cunt and I see him nod to her and she smile.

"y" Hummingbird say and I smile at her as I bend down and kiss her cheek.

"he said yes?" I ask and she nod, I'm happy that she is comfortable to try to speak around me.

"Thank you love" I whisper and I'm walking over to Cunt that looking piss off and I grab two beers and I walk up to Cunt that leaning against the building and I hold out the beer to him and he take it.

"Thanks" Cunt say and I'm looking at My darling talking to her family.

"Can you mask your Dragon speech?" I ask and I see him turn to me and he look piss off as hell.

"Give me one fucking good Reason why I should?" he growl at me and I take a deep breath.

"Because I need to speak to you privately, and I don't want My hummingbird to know yet" I tell him and he look at me.

"What?" he ask and I take a deep breath.

"I have only talked to Asswipe and Cody, I know I need to speak to Father of the Dragons and with the Voice of the Dragons, And I need to talk to The Crazy squad too, but I was advise to talk to you after I talked to Cody" I tell him and I see that his face Is neutral.

"Dragon voice?" he ask and I nod as I drink my beer.

"Walk over to Bitch, tell her you and I going to get Skyla, she miss Viking" Cunt say and I frown and I walk over to my darling that is eating and I bend down and whisper to that Cunt and I are going to get Skyla and she nod as she kiss me.

"Hey I know you are together but that's my baby sister" I hear Viking growl and I hear the others laugh.

"Snowball, Get use to it" I hear one of the Dragons call out and I see Cunt wait for me just outside of the gate.

We start to walking, and Cunt lead me to the forest and I know I shouldn't walk with him like this, but I need to get him to help me and We are walking and we don't speak as we are walking. I'm looking at Cunt as he come to a stop next to a short drop from a hill, that we had just walked around and upon, and I see him stand next to the drop, and I walk so I stand next to him.

Voice-less, Not UselessWhere stories live. Discover now