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I'm looking at Tiny that is sitting on Bears lap and he is blacked out drunk and he have so far pushed every girl away, that is not Tiny and he only step up and protected Tiny when the guy's didn't get the cue to leave Tiny alone, so he gave her the freedom that she would need, but still was there to protect her, I see Tiny looking at Bear that's now sleeping and I nod to her as We help her get out off his lap and I see Cunt talking to one off the stripper but I see Viking get up.

"What the Fuck is going on?" I hear Viking growl when Cunt is leading the Stripper that have the same body type as Tiny and her hair is as long as Tiny.

"Just a test" I tell him and I see my sister take off her leather jacket.

"okay" I hear the Stripper say as she take the jacket on and she take Tiny's place in Bears lap.

"This is one off the most Strange request I have done" She say and she make herself comfortable in Bears lap and I see Viking and the other Bikers are looking at us.

"What the fuck is going on?" Viking ask and he is getting in my face and I know we need to tell him and I see Tiny getting more drinks.

"It's a test okay, Remember what we said about Embers?" I tell him and I see him raise his head.

"Ember is not allowed to cheat" Viking say and I see him looking at the Stripper sitting on Bear's lap and I see Psycho is laying on the table drunk as a skunk and he is having a striper in his lap too.

"You mean that this hole party has been a teste on Bear?" I hear wolf growl and I see Bear start moving, and the first thing he is do push the stripper off his lap.

"Why the Fuck are you wearing my birds jacket" He growl and we see him pull it off her and he turning to walk but he almost fall down because he is so drunk and I'm looking at him as Cunt is holding Bear.

"let's rap this night up" Cunt say and Cunt is carry Bear that's holding Tiny's Jacket and We have seen him protect her and not accept any girl no matter how drunk he is and I see Cunt now leading him to the Car and we are getting to the to the hotel that we had booked for each off us.

I'm sharing the room with Cunt and Bear. Tiny is the only with a room for herself, I'm looking at Bear that is sleeping and he holding the jacket close and I don't know if he know about the test, but he pass it all, with out knowing and I know that tomorrow will be our real party and not testing, I falling asleep, but I wake up to hear someone throwing up and I see that Bears bed is empty and I walk over to the bathroom to see Bear hugging the Toilet, and he don't look good.

"Hey Bear" I say and he look up at me and he seem piss off.

"How much did I drink?" He ask and I laugh at him.

"half of what I and Tiny drank, jump in the Shower, We are going out tonight again" I tell him and I see him throw up again.

"I don't think I can stomach to drink tonight" he say and I see him sit down and I can tell his worried.

"Fucker as he stop throwing up?" Cunt is yelling and I see Bears face turn sour.

"No not yet, Why don't you order breakfast" I call out and I see him looking at me.

"I don't fucking trust him to not spit in my food" Bear growl and I smile at him.

"Don't worry, he won't do it" I tell him and he start to strip out off his cloths and get in the shower and I walk out to Cunt and he nod to me.

"Well he have passed the Dragon test, Even if I don't like him, We know he is true" Cunt say as We are getting the ready for the day.

"What the fuck was you talking about?" I hear Bear growl and I know That Cunt meant it for him to hear.

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