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I'm looking at the base that Our Creator have gifted us, Dragons, I'm looking around to see that everything is getting in order, I know that We can get anything we can and I know that this will be the Dragon home and I turn to see the parade ground and it feels empty and I know that I want a Dragon here, I'm turning as I'm looking around and I saw that Knuckles and Shelby left and that means no outsider will be here to see this and I'm snap my fingers for a sketch-book and I start sketching out the base and then I start making a ugly ass sketch of a dragon, I can't draw that good but I know that my brother here will know what I want and I feel Asswipe stand over my shoulder, I see that Psycho is looking at another part of the Base, I'm done with the half ass sketch I'm turn around to see Left eye and some of the others standing around and I hand it to Left eye and I see him look at it and I walk over to a place on the open square and I turn to look at him.

"Well you know that the other statue have already been order, they will not replace that" he say and I shake my head.

'This will be in wood, Mutt Can make it, This will also be burned in some places, the Dragon will also have scars, to show all of us, one eye will be fucked up, a leg will be hurt, everything that happen to us will show on the dragon' I tell him and I speak in Dragonish and I see them looking at me I can tell that they are surprised when I speak about this.

"Okay, I can make a sketch like that, But Mutt are you up for carving a dragon of this size, We need to find a good Oak for it or Redwood, or Cedér" Left feet say and I see him look at the sketch, and I look at Mutt.

"Well it will take me months to craw something like this, Sure I can outline it so the others can help me but I will need to do the fine carving, also I need space Creator and Father want this place to be up and running in three months and We are getting the first clutches of eggs in three months" Mutt say and I nod as he speak and I know that they will get the dragon done.

"if you don't want your brother to fail like a cracked egg and get destroyed, he need to be here with in a months, Two months should be enough to teach him what he need to know about military life" I hear Runt say and from the left and I give a nod.

'Yes I know, I have to talk to Bear about it, I don't like interfere with the Club business, The business with Chaos Mc was different, because they dare try to hurt me' I say and I see them turn to me and I know that everyone saw something.

"you mean that The Fire we saw on the News Truly was a Dragons fire?" Jaws ask and I nod to him and I see them are looking at me.

"Shit Who was with you?" Numbnutts ask and I look at them.

'They took me with Knuckles. We were going to host another barbecue, and it was something I Did it as a fun thing Because I missed all of you motherfuckers, This was the second one, and Knuckles was still not commutable with me around the Club since I didn't speak, They knew by know that Viking is my brother and I think that Bear had said something to them before this, Well not to me, but around the Club, So Knuckles and I was heading out to buy the meat, and just after we parked and started to walk into the store and We were grabbed just like a dragon-napping so I didn't start to fight them until I was in the van. They held us for some days, but They didn't know how to deal with a dragon' I tell them and they are listening to what I say.

'Psycho should know what happen with the Club' I tell them and *I hear them calling for Psycho and I see Psycho come running as they are calling for him and I see him stop in-front of us.

"What happen when mama when missing? When did the Club find out and how did they find her?" Stinky eye ask and I see Psycho look at me and I give him the nod to answer.

"They didn't, Top Dragon came, and you know how fucker get when Mama is missing or hurt?" he say and I see them stop moving and I frown I haven't heard this part only that Fucker was piss off about Phoenix that I didn't tell them about that.

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