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I saw that Knuckles was giving something to my girl but I couldn't focus on that, the second what happen because I was going fighting the President of the New Club that hanging around, They have been nothing but respectful to everyone. They break up the fight and I see the President of Devil's Mc have a swollen eye and I see him shake my hand as we are getting ready to leave the ring when I see that a Girl is giving My hummingbird, and This make me smirk, she was betting on me winning this fight and I step out of the ring and straight over to my girl and I pull her into a passion kiss, and I feel her melt in my arm as I kiss her, once I end the Kiss I hear a giggle from the Right side and I see the Girl that My girl have been have hanging out with.

"Come lets have another beer" I tell her and I make sure that she is tucked close to me and I get inside and we are sitting down in the lazy chair, and I make sure that she sitting in my lap and I running my hand thru her long hair, She keep it braided to make sure that her leather jacket was clearly on display, and now I unbraid her hair because I love her and I love running my hand thru the hair, I'm start to feel a slight buzzed, as I'm talking to my brothers and I feel that my girl's head is now laying on my shoulder.

"She is not use to drink?" I hear someone ask and I glare at him.

"Don't talk trash about Dragon Mama, You have no fucking idea what the fuck She have been thru" Psycho Growl out and He is piss off and everyone is looking at him.

"Sorry" the brother that said that my love is not use to drink.

"My Little Darling here and three off her friend did drink us dry, a few weeks ago, trust me, She can handle her liquor" I tell them and I feel my darling sleeping on my shoulder but I feel her twitched.

"Didn't mean something about it, it's just that she can fall asleep in this noise" the same guy say and I'm looking at him.

"She have been in the Marine for over Seven years and she have been deployed for I don't know how many years or times" I tell him and I see them looking at us as I'm placing a kiss on her forehead.

"you are safe love" I whisper and I see them looking at me, as I press her face against my neck hoping that she will calm down.

"Bear?" I hear Viking say and he take my darling from me so I can stand and I don't get her back.

"Don't worry Sis I take care of it" Viking say as he gently place her back in my arms.

"Kicker, I'm going to bed" I say to my VP as I walk with my little bird in my arms, she have been give each of the member a smile.

I see One of them talking to Knuckles and I carry my darling into my room and I smile at how clean my room is, I know that Wolf have made sure that our Club house was cleaned, I know that Skyla and my darling taught them how to clean and I lay her down on my bed over the cover and I start to unlace her boots, I have tried to get her to wear any other shoes, but She love her military boots, I place them on the floor next to her side off the bed, I take the knife off her ankle and I take the Gun that she have tucked in her waistband of her jeans and I place both under the pillow and I get the her leather jacket off and I make sure that I place her jacket on the chair and I wish I dare strip her of more of her cloths but I don't dare, because I know that she can wake up so easily, so I leave her with her jeans and her hoody on, I'm getting out of my cut, and I strip down to my underwear as I'm moving her gently around so I get her under the cover and I'm laying down next to her and I pull her close but I'm moving her hands under the pillow so that she have hear hand on the Gun and knife. I'm listen to music that is blasting from the main room, and I snuggle up my darling and I falling asleep as I think that this party was a good idea, and that My love believed that I was a skilled fighter, I'm telling you that this ego boost.

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