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I never thought that I would find my blood family as Mama, call it, but man I'm happy that they found me. The Dragon is my family and I love them, I see Mama coming, I'm watching Skyla and I know something is wrong, We have got the news of the graduation from Cody and We have a few days on us to plan it. I'm watching Skyla I know something is off with Mama, I walk out of the room and I grab my phone.

"Doc James office" I hear a female voice.

"Petty officer Laurne James please" I tell the women.

"Wait" she say to me and I hear her sigh as she said wait, We have a habit of using Doc James military rank.

"Lauren speaking" I hear her speak and I smile.

"Petty officer third Class Lauren James this is Runt" I say and I hear her laugh.

"I have told your brothers and I told Miss Roman as long as she don't feel any pain that she will be fine" she say and I smile at her word, we have been calling her at the smallest thing.

"Well, it's not about that, We are going to The Training nest for a Graduation and a name giving of our Youngling, and Skyla is acting up" I tell her and I hear her sigh.

"And you think that something is going on?" Lauren say and I'm looking at Mama that is laying siting down in her lazy chair.

"Yes Skyla have been acting like strange, and Us Dragons and Dragonlinger have learned that Skyla is never wrong" I tell her and I know that she will understand.

"I will be there" Lauren say and she hang up and I lay my phone on the counter and I walk over to Buster that is sitting and knitting.

"still have the friend at Army base?" I ask and he look at me.

"You ask about that fucker who always ask the strippers to marry him when he get drunk?" Buster ask and I nod.

"Yeah he is still a friend, why?" Buster ask as he place the knitting needles in his lap.

"We may need to plan for shit, remember Mama's way of thinking" I ask and he look at me.

"Be ready for anything because Shit always will go fucking sideways and we land dick side up" Chicken say take a seat next to Buster. 

"Yeah" I say and I see them look at me.

"I will give him a call, you want a Chopper at the Training nest?" Buster ask and I nod to him.

"We don't know what going in, Cunt is watching Mama, on Phoenix" I tell them and I see them nod.

"We should watch Skyla too, She have been telling us if something is wrong with Mama" Mutt say as he come up to us.

"Yeah That's why I asked Her Doc to join us for the graduation of the Sea, and Naming of Our Youngling" I say and I see them nod.

All of us are having high hopes for our Youngling, No one said it but That He is a Dragonlinger, We all know that Mama will do anything to make him pass, But we also know He will do anything to pass the test that We are putting him thru, He have step up every time no matter what the fuck we are doing to him. We are watching mama and Fucker as he is checking with Mama. We have the Sea Dragon Checking in with Mama, everyday since they showed up. I have been talking to my blood family every day and Mother said that we could invite them to the Graduation and name giving ceremony we are going to have. We have always have one awake right now to make sure that mama is okay, We are getting our uniforms ready and we are making sure that Mama's is good too. I'm standing in the kitchen making breakfast when I hear Goose talk on the phone and I guess it's Cunt.

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