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I'm feel Bear snuggle against neck and I'm looking at Cunt leaving after I fix this cheek and I know that Cunt is not done yet with him and I see Viking come back and he have a notepad with him.

"Sis do you mind telling us what the fuck he is doing here" Vikings ask and I take the notepad.

'He is hear to make sure that the house it wired right and He is the only one that I'm trusting to give me security in to the house, specially because what I'm having build in the basement' I write and give it to my brother and I see him read it.

"you knew what was going to happen?" Viking ask and I nod as I take the notepad again.

'Why did you think I push Bear against the Car, because I knew if I encounter Cunt alone I would have more trouble, I can deal with him alone but protect Bear from him, that I couldn't do, I need to have my brother's to have my back' I write to him and I see him read it and he nod.

"But you never warned us" Viking say and I see Fucker looking at him.

"She couldn't warn you more than what she already did, if you looked at how we moved, that would be a your first clue, sure we never leave our back unprotected but when we form a Circle that's when you need to be on your guard, that's when trouble is coming" Fucker say and I feel Bear rubbing his nose against my neck.

"Bear wake up, Lets get you to bed" I hear one off the Guys say and I'm trying to stand up but Bear won't let go off me and I'm gently get him to stand up with me and I fell him hold on to me.

"Follow me, Little one, I show you where his room is" Ink tells me and I'm following him and I feel Bear holding on hard to my waist and he is having his face snuggle thru my hair that was braided but now is unbraided and he snuggle thru it to my neck.

I get into the room that belong to Bear, I have only been in the Room that Wolf gave me when I was here on party and I'm looking around and I can see Bear in the room, it's not neat like I am, but it's neat. I'm gently get him on the bed, but he is not letting go off me he is pulling me closer.

"You want me to help you get free?" Ink ask and I shake my head as I'm trying but I feel him snuggle to me.

"Tiny" I hear Ink ask and I'm looking at him and I shake my head.

"Okay, just yell, if you need us to help you" he say as he leaving the room.

I feel Bear holding me so close and I know that we need to test him, because if he get like this when his half drunk, what if it's not me he think he snuggle up to, I know that my brothers have looked and check how he react. I'm pulling out my phone and make a group text to every dragon, and Dragonling but Psycho.

'Brothers and son's I need you help, not all of you know this but talk to the Dragon's closes to me, there is a Dick that need to be checked out, one dragon have started the test, Right now I'm taking care off his hangover, but what if? I trust you my dear Dragons and Dragonlings, Please help me see if this Dick is a true and straight with me, I don't want to be burned or get my heartbroken please brothers Help me' I send the text and I get answer from everyone that they will help me and I get a answer from Fucker telling me that we are going to a strip club first but they are helping me everyone can see him answering it.

'Psycho are you up for a party with the dragons, We are getting together all off us' I text him and I feel Bear snuggle against my neck and I feel him pull on my dog-tags and I feel him move them around my neck so that he can feel what's written on them.

'Yes I will join as long as you keep Cunt away from me, I know I broke my word to him, but I need to get my head right and I only got it back right a week before I made myself known and I did check up on Cunt a few times but I didn't talk to him' I read the Text from Psycho and I know that I need to help him and I send to him that I will keep Cunt off him.

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