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I'm looking at Knuckles that are holding my body close to his, and I can hear him begging me for forgiveness since I'm being hurt because of him and I raise my bloody hand and I press it to his cheek, I'm not worried since they have nothing on the Dragons, I know that Knuckles know I speak backward.

"tluaf ruoy ton" I whisper out and I see his eyes find mine.

"I don't get it all" he whisper to me and I know I have to take it word for word.

"Ton" I say and I see him frown.

"Not?" He ask me and I press my bloody hand on his chest and I see him nod.

"Not mine" he say and I nod.

"Tluaf" I say and I see him thinking about it.

"not my fault?" he ask and I nod as I trying to move and He hold me down.

"No, they where hitting you on the legs" He say and I sit up and he help me.

I'm looking at Knuckles that is closing his eye as he hear the music and I can tell his not use to this terror, I start repeat the Dragon mantra for Dragons, and I keep thinking about it as I'm start looking on the door.

"Tiny that door is to strong for us" Knuckles say and I frown we need to get something and that's when I feel it the light taser in my back and I see Knuckles looking at me.

"What's wrong" he ask and I shake my head, Delta was cancel and there is no way that they can use it.

I place Knuckles next me and I know I need to him to sleep, and I place my hand over his ear and make him look at my face and I nod to him telling him that he can go to sleep and I hold him close as he falling asleep in my lap and I know that I need to keep him calm as I press on my leg where I know I have a wound and I press my finger into the wound and I do it slowly so that who ever is tasing me know that I'm awake and I feel the taser again, I smirk when I feel it, and I remember when our Officer told me about Delta was going to be cancel but Phoenix will rise and I better make my brothers remember that Phoenix will safe our life so I make the poem.

"Get them" I hear a voice and I shake Knuckles awake and I place my hand over his lips and I shake my head.

"Drow a ton" I whisper to him and I hear the door open and I see Knuckles nod as he sit up as they are coming in.

I see them grab Knuckles and they are leaving me in the room and I hear Knuckles are grunting as they are working on him and I hope that he will not break and I pull my feet to me, I still have my army boots I know that every week we are given a care-package, from our High commander it's a cleaning kit and repair kit for our heels of the army boots, This are Kits that sugar Tits are making for us, he know that even if I'm out of the Rotation now he would send me what I need to get the low class beacon, I break the heel of my boots and I get the tracker out, and I smirk, the others dragons will know about this if they are thinking and I break the tracker and I know that I have two more and I swallow another, making sure that Two is active and I turning to see them dragging Knuckles in and he look like his hardly breathing and I take out the third tracker and I see him looking at me and I hold up the little blinking tracker and I see him frown as I showing him that he need to swallow it.

"you want me to swallow it?" He ask and I nod as I point out the other one that is in the corner and Then I pat my belly as if to tell him I have swallow one.

"What is it" he whisper and I sigh.

"Rekcart" I say and he frown and I'm taking a deep breath and focus on my word.

"T. Tr." I start trying and I see him place a hand with broken fingers on me.

"Tracker?" he ask and I nod.

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