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I'm looking at the training field where Every Egg is running, I watching the score on the board and I see that my Hatchlinger that I send here and I see the score it's started back at zero once he was moved to Hatchlinger but his score was noted next to his names, that tells the score of the first part of the testing. I look at the phone I have in my hand, I should have been at my sisters right now, but I can't leave and I know I need to call the rest of the team so I call them first.

"Hey Sarge" I hear one of my brothers and I smile at his.

"Hey Joe, I need your help" I tell him and I hope that Joe will help me.

"Sure Sarge, what do you need?" Joe ask and I smile at this, Joe my right hand guy he would help me with anything.

"I need you to call every one in the team, I found out something about Mama, that Means that we need to be here for her" I say and I hear him sit up and I know that I have his attention.

"What's up with Mama Dragon?" he say I know that each of them know that Mama is pregnant.

"Mama is carry Triplets, so I need you guys" I tell him and I hear the sound of something.

"We will be there with in three days" Joe say and he hang up and I know that he will call the others and I take a deep breath, time to call my sister.

I'm watching as the Sun is rising over the forest and I see Younglinger come running and I check the clock and I see that he is getting early and I know that My Hatchling will come soon and I will have a word with him after his breakfast, but I check the clock and I know that I can call my sister.

"Victoria" I hear my sister say and I can hear that she is awake and clearly on her way to work.

"Hey sis" I say and I know that she stop with her hand on the door.

"Jarrell?" I hear the surprise in her voice and I smile at this.

"Yes, It's me sis, I'm back state side but I'm not coming home just yet" I tell her and I hear gasp at this.

"Jarrell why? You promised to come home" she say and I take a deep breath.

"You remember the Groupe that saved my life all those years ago?" I ask and I hear her sigh.

"Yes I remember what you called me about that" Victoria say as I take a deep breath as I'm check my watch.

"Well She is pregnant, and she is carry triplets, I know that Dragon are around her but I can't leave" I tell my sister and I hear her sigh as I speak.

"Jarrell, you can't. Not after what you have told me over the years, You are staying where you are, do you want me to come there, I always wanted to meet her" Victoria say and I smile at her word.

"Thank you Victoria for understanding, I will talk to Mama Dragon and see if she is okay with you coming here, I will call you back sis" I tell her and she laugh.

"You do that Brother, I need to get going or I'm going to be late so call me later brother?" she say in a hurry voice and I smile at all of this.

"Drive safe sis talk to you later" I tell her and I hang up and that's when I check my watch, my hatchling should have been here by now, he is always five to ten minutes behind Younglinger, and it's have been half hour right now.

I pocket my phone and I start walking the track from the back and I start walking slowly to see if he lay down hurt anywhere around the track, the Younglinger and Hatchlinger is the only two who run this track every day. I see nothing and then I see something is the gravel and dirt, I kneel down and I hear step behind.

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