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I'm looking at Mama leaving the room, She as always talked to Fucker or the other top dragons, Asshole, Pussy, after that she would go to Tits or Cunt even Sherman, so for her to come to a Dragonling when she need to speak, it's rare, I'm looking at my half-brother Asswipe coming over to me with another drink and he push his pack of smoke to me and I take one and I'm looking at him.

"So What was up with mama?" My brother say after a few sip on his bottle of tequila, we are all drink by bottle not by glass, I'm look at him.

"You know mama's Status?" I tell him and I see each of them take a see around me.

"All of us know off this, but by looking on her neck I say that she will get Fucked thru and thru" I hear Left feet call out and I'm looking at the few of the Dragonlinger, Zero and Buster have left the room and Sherman is about to fall asleep, Cunt and Tits are talking. I see them talking to one and other.

I'm seeing Loud mouth, loss lips, Tight lips, Dopey, Mutt, Asswipe and Runt are getting their seat around me and I'm looking at Left feet take a chair close us. We all know that we need to test him.

"So what is your Take on him?" I hear Runt ask and I'm looking at him as I drink.

"Well I don't know, He have balls I give him that since he can walk in like he did, but he is not a Marine, he is not one of us" I tell him and I'm looking at them as We are smoking.

"There is a Fair going on, There is always games going on there, You know that Mama love the Fair, and there will always be game on the Fairs" I hear Mutt say and I'm looking at them.

"What are you japing about?" I hear Dopey ask and I'm thinking about it.

"Well You are right with That Ma will go for the Games we all know it" Runt say and I turn my eyes on to My brother.

"Hell yeah you all know what happen when Ma is find a game" Left feet say and I nod.

"are we really going to test his backbone?" I hear my brother Asswipe say and I'm looking at my younger brother and I frown at this because this is not how my brother, my brother is not a thinker he would jump in things without thinking he would just do, and not thing about what will happen if he do something.

"hell yeah, we are testing his backbone" Everyone of them call out and I'm looking at my brother as he nod as he looking us.

"We really need to hear his roar but not only that we need to see that he can breath the same fire as Ma" I hear Runt say as he light up his smoke from the pack that Asswipe had throwed on the table when he sat down.

"You are onboard on this Brother" I ask as he empty his bottle of Tequila and he slam the bottle down on the table top, as he looking at me.

"You know that Mama is going to castrate us" I hear Loss lips say when my brother is not answering my, I'm looking at each of them.

"I rather know that mama's Back is protected, rather than have her unprotected" I tell him and I see My brother looking at me.

"My first impulse was to beat the shit out off him and Make mama see that he is lying cheating biker" Asswipe say and I'm looking at my brother.

"What stopped you?" I hear Dopey say and I see my blood brother turning around to Dopey.

"That Fucking Fire fly, he had grabbed a good hold on me to keep me from moving, I had my hand on my gun, and Tits was holding on Zero" My brother say and I'm looking at him.

"Asswipe, would you really want to piss mama off?" I ask and I see him looking at me.

"I don't want to see her hurt, I'm her Dragonlinger, I know that Psycho is her first and I'm her second, but still she is mama" Asswipe say and I'm looking at my blood brother even if he is my half-brother.

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