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I run my tongue over my teeth and my mouth feel like it's full off shit and as I'm trying to move but I feel my heavy as shit, and as soon as I'm start to move my head I know that I'm still Drunk and fucking hangover together, Shit This was a fucking Dragon Dunk, I just hope that I didn't do anything to risk whatever I had with Bear, I'm still wondering what his real name is, he haven't give it to me, I slowly roll over to my back, I see no clock and I'm looking around,  and this is not my room, at Tools or my new room, nor is it the room where I have stayed in the Club house, but as I slowly strying to move out of the bed and that's when the door open and I turn to my head with the fucking Machine gun firering in my head and I see Bear standing in the door way.

"Headache?" he ask and I start slowly to half shake my head but stop because I have a mother of all mother headache, I know I'm hangover and fucking drunk as a skunk.

"Come on I have got some food for your brothers and you, They are sleeping in the front room" He say and I see that my cloths on and I start feeling over my body and I start to pull something out of my bra and it's money a lot more than the 200 dollar that I remember, This is not strange for a Dragon dunk.

"Yeah, they where betting on you shooting darts and pool, and lets just say that you guy's won everything, and you also did something no one have been able to do, you cleaned out the bar" Bear say and I hold out the money.

"Well it's a bet in the club, is who many party's it would take for someone to empty the bar" Bear say and he walking me to the bar and I see my brother laying on the floor and I walk over to the fire alarm, Bear had let me in on the fire alarm is not hooked up to anything, and I pull it and My brothers jump up, Pussy as guessed feel asleep fucking a girl, meaning when he jump up meaning he drop the girl on the floor, and I see the others glaring at me.

"Fuck you" I hear My Dragon brother growl and I see my brother Viking coming running.

"TINY" He growl and Every dragon is turning to him

"Ssshhh" We say and We take our seat at the bar and We lay down out head and I knock twice on the top.

"NO no more drinks for you little sister," Viking growl and Fucker lift his head.

"No she ask what day it's" Fucker say and I see them looking at Viking that is pouring that coffee to all of us.

"Monday afternoon, we have been trying to wake you up, you guys passed out Sunday night around, ten, but not before you had emptied the bar" Hawk say and I see them looking at me.

"Fire alarm is the way to wake us up" Pussy say and we are drinking the coffee.

"Eat, up sis" Fucker say and we eat up and then we are walking out.

"NO YOU ARE NOT DRIVING" I hear Knuckles yelling and we turn to look at him with raised eyebrows.

"What no we are not going to drive" I hear Asshole say and I hear his fucking drunk, and he speak show it.

"WE are going for a run" Pussy yell out and I know we are going end up throw up.

We take off running or rather we stagger away, from the Club house and we are holding on to one and other as we are picking up sure enough we are falling over and dragging others down with us as we are falling, we are all know that we are going to get stopped by the Cop and Sure enough after we fall down the second time we hear the sirens from the Cop car and We are looking up at the officer and he is a old one.

"What have you four done now?" The Cop say as he is looking at us.

"Dragon Dunk, Sir, We got our deployment day so we had a good drinking" Fucker say to him but hell he speak so slushy as hell, and I see the cop looking at us.

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