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I'm awake before I feel the hand on my shoulder I open my eyes to see Tiny standing there already dressed in black, her face is green color, I'm watching her nod to me, then she reach over to wake up, Pussy and I see Fucker sit up and I nod to him. We are getting dressed and when we are leaving the room and I see that Zero is standing Bear and I see Tiny nod to him and he knows to protect the Children.

"You three are shipping out today, You only have until 1200 hours, You are to be on the helicopter by then" Cody say and We nod to Cody.

"Sir Yes sir" we tell him and I see Tiny place a hand on us telling us it will okay.

"Go do you shit" Cody say and We walk straight into the room where Doc is standing.

"He is sober enough, I have explain the rules to him" Doc tells us and we nod as we are about to walk pass him he grab Tiny's and Fuckers arm.

"You know the rules obey them" Doc tells them and We are walking into the room and I see the Chair. 

The chair is standing in the middle of the room and that's were Snuggle-puff is placed, I can see that his looking around the room for a second, and I see how his eyes land on Psycho who is leaning aginst the wall next to a mirror, but we all know that it's one way mirror and I see that Psycho raise his hand and he knock on the mirror and I see that Snuggle-puff is struggle against the ropes, We worked really hard on getting Snuggle-puff instincts to know when something is off and It seems like that knocking on the mirror seem to wake him up, from whatever state he was in.

I turn my head slightly to see that Fucker is holding the rag and I see Tiny nod as she step forward. I see Psycho start to smirk, because he knows what is about to happen. The smirk that Psycho give us is a signal and when we see it we jump on Snuggle-puff. Fucker is placing the rag over his mouth and Pussy and Me flip his chair backwards and Tiny is start to pour the water over him. We feel him struggle and Pussy tap Tiny's leg and she stop pouring water and we turn him to his side and he throwing up the water. We are waiting for him to stop throwing up and We hear him coughs, and We wait until he stop coughs, before we raise the Chair up, We once was told off by the DOC because we didn't allow the person to throw up all the water or coughs to clear his lugns, so We are waiting until we can hear him breath more easy, we know that if he was taken it would be more intense.  I see the DOC nod to us and We start to waterboard him again and again, We are doing it a few more times. Then we start the beating him as hard as we can we are not going after breaking bones yet, I see that Tiny pull out the knife and she start slowly cutting his skin, it's just enough to make him bleed, and I see her pull out a lemon and I see her cut it with the same knife before she start sqeeze the juice in the wound and then she start cuting his skin with the same knife. I see that Tiny is gently feel over hos thigh before she ram the knife into his thigh and then she twist it and this bring Snuggle-puff to start screaming, once the first scream escape your lips you can't take them back, because once you have started to scream the rest will come easy out. We are allowed to scream but He is not allowed to talk at all, but Screaming is okay. Talking is a fail. I'm standing behind them so I can see his reactions better, I know that this is filmed so that Father and Creator can evalute him. I see how Tiny start cutting deeper and I see that Pussy pull out a Taser, a few push with the taster, We waterboard him again. I see Psycho walk up and whisper something to Tiny and she shake her head and she go back to working on him she break his nose, I see the blood running down his face but he just glare at us as We are going back to cutting his arms and stabbing him in his legs, We hear him screaming but he don't speak and I hear the knock on the door as I hit him across his face and the chair falling to the side.

"Time" I hear a voice say and it's a computer voice and I check my watch, we have been doing this for over a hours and I see Fucker nod to Tiny and she turn to Psycho and he nod to as he step up and We are walking out of the room and We are drenched by water and Tiny is bloody, and I see her look at us.

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