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I'm walking in-front of Cunt over to the side where I know that the Club can't see us and I guess that Cunt is holding anger inside, I know that he is angry for some reason.

"I understand that Dragons have their rules, and I guess that you anger is multiplied but the fact that top Dragons are deployed" I tell him and I see him nod.

"Yes, But you also have to understand we only have one Female dragon, had a dragon got their Ember, Flame or Fire Pregnant we would beat him to make sure that he knows what is expected of him, to protect his love and the Child she is carrying, but now A dragon is pregnant, and our rules say that we can't touch a Ember, flame or fire" Cunt say and I see him watching me.

"Runt got away because the question he asked when you ask for her blessing and that he is her son" Cunt say and I'm nodding to him as he speak.

"This honor that I gave Runt was before I knew she was pregnant, do that factor into his reaction?" I ask and I see Cunt looking at me.

"You have no idea what you just have given him" Cunt say and I looking at him.

"Will you explain please, They say it hard to explain" I tell him and I see him take a seat on a table.

"You basically told the dragons that if anything happens to You, That Runt is the one to step in, Should you end up in prison, or missing, Runt will step into care for Mama, and your Children in case anything happen to you" Cunt tells me and I nod.

"I trust him most of the Dragon Squad, if fucker was here, I would have told him to look after My Butterfly" I tell him and I see Cunt nod.

"I understand that" Cunt say and I see him pacing in-front of me.

"Listen Cunt, I get that this will fuck up My darlings military career, but I will do anything I can to help her, I love her, I'm planning on marry her, I know she will fucking kill me if I try to marry her before The Crazy once are here" I tell him and I see Cunt take off his jacket.

"Now Before I got here I was given a order, Now I take only order from Mother dragon, Father Dragon or Our Creator, but there is Three others that can make request to me, to do certain things" Cunt say and I'm watching him put the jacket on a chair that is close to him.

"But this was a request this was a order" Cunt say and I see him check his hands and then he check his wrist, I know that this is something that comes from Crazy ones that is overseas.

"Cunt?" I ask and I see him take a look at me.

"Take off your Cut and t-shirt" he tells me and I strip out of the Cut and I pull my t-shirt over my body and I see him looking at me with calculation eyes.

"As I was saying I was called by the Top Dragon, and the order me here, and by doing so they forfeit anything that they would want to do about this" Cunt say and I'm watching him as he is walking straight at me.

"Fucker is piss off, if you haven't figure that out yet, So" Cunt say and that's when he swing at me and I didn't see his fist swing before he fist connect with my jaw. It take a few second before he stop beat me, and I feel that my body hurt, and I'm looking at him as he step away from me.

"That was from Fucker?" I ask and I see him nod.

"yes This is what we would do to a dragon who got his Ember, Flame or Fire, to remind them that if the Fuck up then the rest of the Squad will fuck them up" Cunt say and I'm sitting on the ground looking at him.

"and With my Butterfly behind the Dragon and pregnant you can't do it to her" I say and I see him nod to me.

"and with me being the Flame, it's not okay to touch me" I tell him and he nod.

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